[HCDX] 1470 Perù and Mexico strong in Italy
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[HCDX] 1470 Perù and Mexico strong in Italy

listening from Italian qth in Liguria during dxped with Andrea Lawendel and Enrico Oliva

1470 CPN Lima, Perù. Almost every night since March 30, starting 23,30 to 00,30 with huge signal. News in SS, int'n and sport. Wondering if this one is so strong all over Europe lately

and then

1470 XEBAL, Cebal, Mexico Hrd on 1 and 3 april, 0210-0310 with two different slogans. "XEBAL" and "Voz Maya". Great surprise, should be 2,5 Kw from Yucatan. Here too we are curious to know if someone else got it.

Excellent conditions in general on US x-band. On 1470 hrd also Florida (WWNN) and Maine (WMTW)


Rocco Cotroneo, Andrea Lawendel, Enrico Oliva L'Ago, Liguria, Northern Italy

AOR 7030+, Wellbrook K9AY

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