[HCDX] Radio LTC
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[HCDX] Radio LTC


the Peruvian station Radio LTC is operating on new frequency 5005.3 kHz. The
station can be heard in central Europe, too. Here is the logging:

5005.3  Radio LTC, Juliaca, April 5th, 2315-0005, Spanish, latino pop songs,
several clear IDs; best signal at 2315 with SINPO 33333

good DX

Michael Schnitzer  -  michael_schnitzer@xxxxxx
Receiver:  JRC NRD-525
Antennas: 25m longwire
                  DX-One Professional
                  EWE to South America
                  EWE to Asia/Pacific
Location:  Hassfurt, Germany / Alemania

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