[HCDX] Xebal
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[HCDX] Xebal


Yes: Xebal has been received in L'Ago. I was there, it has been a very
exciting - I would even say moving - moment: dxers know what I mean.
Yes: somebody did'nt believe it. It can be understood, considering the date
(April 1st), the 'weight' of the dx and the fact that not so many reliable
dx-reports come from Italy nowadays.
Yes: some reaction was quite unpolite. It can happen, nobody is perfect, and
usually an apology clears the matter and no harm done.
Now, let's defuse this unpleasant 'international relations' bias the whole
matter has taken. Things like 'Italian DXing' or 'Nordic DXing' simply do
not exist. There are good DXers and bad DXers everywehere.
Thanks a lot to all the friends who wrote to this list expressing their
points of view. Supporters of Bellabarba, however, should better mind their
own matters.

Good DX

Enrico Oliva
Milan, Italy

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