[HCDX] logs 19-21
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[HCDX] logs 19-21

Soem logs for 19 , 20 and soprry for the simplified form 

For 19 
CHINA 4820 CNR  with operas or tra songs 44344 or S9  
Burkina Faso  5030 2000-2137 prg of FR mostly talks . 32432/S9   QRM by 
Uzbek Radio at 5025 At 21.4 with S9+10  

For 20 
?? 11590 RFA , 1200 with Eng ref to nrxt org in tietan , ID then talks , S8 
CHINA 11640 CNR , 1202  news in CC , S8 / 34233
TAJIKISTAN? 11530 V of Mesopotamia ( if i remember corectly) 1420 talks 
abt demokracy , Kurdistan , guerrillas , america Turkey etc , S9 , 44444
INDIA? 11905 AIR? , old indian songs ( of 50s or 60s) 1510 , S9 , 44343 

For 21 
INDIA 4960 AIR , 1715- 1800 with old indian songs , 1730 + 1750 with news, 
1800 with religious music. S8 , 34333 

pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
PP: R75/HF150/MVT7100/D2935  + 16m/1x1 + 
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/napa.htm crash test Napa DAV315 MP3 player 

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