[HCDX] Azores back on 693.7 + other stuff from DX outing
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[HCDX] Azores back on 693.7 + other stuff from DX outing

The Azores station that is nominally on 693 has jumped
up to 693.7 again, so it is easy to distinguish from
the others (usually UK and Spain) on 693.0.

This is one of the things I noted Wednesday night during
a mini-DXpedition to Granite Pier in Rockport, MA between
7 and 9:30 p.m. EDT (2300 UTC 24 APR - 0130 UTC 25 APR).

TA's noted were mostly on the lower half of the dial.
These were largely from Spain, Algeria, Morocco, the
Canary Islands, and the Azores.  

Northern Europeans were poor.  Longwave acted differently
from medium wave however.  Before 7 p.m. EDT / 2300 UTC,
Germany on 183 was actually the strongest TA: in at a
strong pre-sunset level.  At that time, not much from
Europe was coming in yet on medium wave.

Conditions turned out to be semi-auroral.  The Caribbean
stations were numerous and strong.  Brazil came in well
on 760 (all alone for awhile) and on 690 (mixed with
Anguilla, well over Montreal).  Another Brazilian was
noted in the jumble on 810 (no doubt the Fortaleza station).
Many of the usuals from St. Kitts, British Virgin Islands,
etc. were good.

Once it started getting dark, Venezuelans boomed in
on many frequencies.  Puerto Rico on 580 totally blew
away WTAG/CJFX; WAPA-680 equalled local WRKO at times !
The low-band TA's really got loud with Spain-684,
Algeria-549, and some others close to local-type quality.

I'm fairly sure that, if I was at home an hour's drive
away, I wouldn't have heard half as much DX as I managed
to get out at the pier.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION

car DX set-up:
Drake R8A
Broadband Loop + Active Whip to Superphaser-2

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