[HCDX] New search options at radio-portal
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[HCDX] New search options at radio-portal

The search engine radio-portal was restructured completely. Now the
following search options are at your disposal on the start page:

Detail Search:
Here you may enter several search terms, which can be combined by the
exact / and / or.
These functions offer the opportunity to adopt the selectivity of a
search. This is a great improvement compared to the previously used
search routine. Now your search phrase does not have to fit exactly the
text in the database to get a usable result.
Additionally, a search can be restricted to one of the 63 categories.

Category Search:
These option corresponds to the former "Search in broad". Here you can
combine two of the given categories by the operators
and / or / not.
For example 'Reviews' and 'Antennas', to get an impression on choosing
one's own equipment.
This search routine is extremely useful to get an overview on a field of
interest - a search phrase is not necessary.

Advanced Search:
On a separate page all functions mentioned above can be combined at the
same time. So it is possible to restrict the number of results to a
senseful value or to find entries belonging to various search phrases or

I am currently working to enable a search within results pages as a
further option.

You will find further explanations and operating examples via the "FAQ"

The Classified Advert pages have been updated also. Here you can offer
or search for hobby related items.

I hope you will like the new options. They are meant as a help to find a
quicker way to radio related information. Meanwhile more than 34.000
pages are in the database - all of them were checked manually. Probably
one of the reasons, radio-portal got the Millenium Innovation Award by
Radio Netherlands Media Network in the year 2000.

Your comments will be appreciated.

Regards, have a good weekend.
Willi Passmann, DJ6JZ

     _/_/ http://www.radio-portal.org
    _/_/ Shortwave and more linked to you
   _/_/ Willi H. Passmann Media Consulting
  _/_/  Oberhausener Str. 100, D-45476 Muelheim, Germany
 _/_/ Tel.: ++49-(0)208-77 93 99
 _/_/ Fax:: 01212 - 52 50 49 647

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