----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 12:40
Subject: two new logs from the past
Hello !
As some of you who are on LatinMWDX already know,
I did experience a fair opening around mid-night. Logged two new ones from
myself: a domestic wich make TX my 22th state and a new cuban for me on 900 in
// with 890. I planed to log Texas tonight and knewed WBAP is very
regularly heard in the New England area and WTFDAer Tim Cronin did
encourage me to get WBAP by saying it is my best bet for TX. Thank you Tim,
very mcuh appreciated ! Nulling out WTIC proved to be very easy despite their
strong signal, but did hear NOTHING in their null. Too bad KRLD protect them.
I will try for WOAI when CFGO's sky-wave gets wipped out by aurora as the
bearing to TX is in the opposite direction of the Ottawa ground-wave signal on
1200. I tryed for WOAI San Antonio in November during an auroral evening when
I heard easily Radio Tiempo from Venezuela on this channel, but the AU condx
ended up too son and around mid-night when I still was awake there was too
much CFGO to make WOAI loggable, so I must need a very deep aurora to get San
Antonio on 1200. I think the best month for deep auroras to occur will be
March !
I will really like to hear what the Clear Channel
flag-ship station sounds like in Mtl during the optimum
condx. Sheldon Harvey; did WOAI comes in several times a season
at your QTH in Greenfield Park. How strong Ottawa's The Team (CFGO) is at your
Well, here are those logs now:
(QTH: Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada)
(Equipment: Sanyo MCD-S830 w/ it's ferrite bar
820 WBAP Forth Worth, TX FEB 01 2343 EST -
with the radio aimed west-east as to null out next to adjacent local CJAD;
with WBAP mention getted thrught an unID Country music domestic + FEB 01 2347
EST - announcer talked and mentionated Forth Worth, then man on
the phone talking with the announcer; possible mention of Columbia. Poor
fading over/under the C&W domestic wich was VERY poor to good. New and 1st
from Texas. (Chiochiu-QC)
900 Cuba, CMKP Radio Progreso, Cacocum FEB
02 0452 UTC - light cuban mx in // with 890 and 640. Weak with XEW also
pretty poor + FEB 02 0407 UTC - Salsa followed by several american pops
(including "Unbreak my Heart" by Tony Braxton). Extremely weak at that
time, but easily //ed with 890 wich had a very good signal
! (Chiochiu-QC)
Fair reception from Guadeloupe-640 with WNNZ and
remaints of nulled Mojo Radio; also excellent reception FROM RVC-530 and the
new Dominican on 600 did ID with "(something) seis-cientos" similar to what
David E. Crawford noted.
That's it for now !,
73 and good DX,