[HCDX] Caroline FTA on the Worldspace from today.
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[HCDX] Caroline FTA on the Worldspace from today.

>From today Caroline is free from encryption on WorldSpace.


For the month of March 2003, the encrypted signal of Caroline on the
Worldspace satellite will again be free to air.

This will gave all recent purchasers of Wordspace radio sets across the
Afristar reception area a chance to sample Caroline. This fact will be
promoted on other Worldspace channels.

National Public Radio USA adjacent to Caroline will also revert to being
free to air for the same period. NPR and Caroline will co-operate in
providing news of major world events which seem at least likely to occur
during March.

Existing subscribers will be awarded a bonus month at the end of the
subscription period.

Worldspace is the only satellite system sending radio signals for portable
radio sets and Radio Caroline is the first UK broadcaster to take a
Worldspace channel.

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