[HCDX] Latino-DX
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[HCDX] Latino-DX

Hello again,

good conditions on to South America last night. The new R Santa Mónica came
in with stronger signal than the previous day. On that reason I replaced the
audio clip on my homepage by a better recording:

The loggings in detail:

9624.8 R Fides, La Paz, March 6th, 2240-2257, Spanish, advertisement,
political information, ID, blocked by REE at 2257 on 9620; SINPO 23322

4960 R Federación, Sucua, March 6th, 2340-2400, Shuar, Andean music, talks,
relatively strong signal, reception possible in "wide"-position (4 kHz);
SINPO 35323
5040 Voz del Upano, Macas, March 6th, 2315-2325, Spanish, local news
("panorama informativo"), SINPO 33423

4965 R Santa Mónica, March 6th, 2325-2340, Spanish, comunicados (someone
wanted to sell a motorcycle), huayno music, IDs, SINPO 23322
9504.7 R Tacna, March 6th, 2300-2315, Spanish, news magazine, ID, SINPO

further stations (22.40 and 00.15 UTC):

3375.1 R San Antonio, PRU
4930 R San Miguel, BOL
4955  R Cultural Amauta, PRU
5020 R Horizonte, PRU
6173.9 R Tawantinsuyo, PRU
6536 R Difusora Huancabamba, PRU
6797 Ondas del Rio Mayo, PRU
6956.6 La Voz del Campesino, PRU

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - michael_schnitzer@xxxxxx
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
          DX-One Professional
          EWE to South America
          EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


---[End Commercial]-----------------------
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