Re: [HCDX] Radio Jordan QSLs
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Re: [HCDX] Radio Jordan QSLs

Hi Patrick,

for a QSL, can I enclose $1 US for return postage? Do I need to register
my report? How well do they QSL? I remember I had a tough time QSLing
Syria years ago. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

it was my toughest QSL ever: I took about 20 years to have Radio Jordan QSLed, though I didn't send many reports: about 7 or 8 in all those years.
In 2001 I received a QSL card and a couple of stickers in a few weeks; report was sent as plain letter, unregistered, and without IRCs or money. I really don't know why they replied, or why they didn't in the past. The card was an old one, with yellowed and slightly mouldy paper, and this says much about the number of QSLs they're sending out...
It's a rare verifier, so it's worth trying again and again, until your letter arrives to a person in a good mood, willing to take the time to find a card in some obscure cellar.

Hope this helps; 73



Fabrizio Magrone, Forli, Italy

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