[HCDX] Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan - in ENGLISH!
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[HCDX] Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan - in ENGLISH!

An 8-minute audio clip of Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan addressing the Iraqi
military and general population in English ("Soldiers of Iraq, among you are
Sadaam's evil henchmen") can be heard on the Interval Signals Archive
website at http://www.intervalsignals.net (follow the IRAQ link in the
column), as recorded from 4085 kHz at 1540 31st March 2003.


Dave Kernick

PS: Re my recent e-mail about the "Good Morning Iraq" item on BBC Radio 4:
Sorry guys, I now find that the audio file is not accessible on their
website due to a dud link - they have been informed. It may be accessible
anyway when it rotates into their on-demand archive tomorrow, let me know if
you're still having problems with it after tomorrow.

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