[HCDX] Remarks from the SRS Drop Box in Merseburg
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[HCDX] Remarks from the SRS Drop Box in Merseburg
Remarks from the SRS Drop Box in Merseburg :
All reception reports to Pirate Stations are very welcome, but
some reports make it quite difficult for me as the drop box operator.
Thus the following remarks seem to be necessary :
1 Please include 'SRS Germany' in the first or second line of the
address if you want to send a report to the Merseburg Drop-box !
2 If you do not know how to use the c/o please do not use it !
SRS Germany
c/o Station ABC
is nonsense !
The correct way would be
Station ABC
c/o SRS Germany
Postfach 1136
06201 Merseburg
3 Do not use abbreviations, use the station name. E.R. can mean
Enjoy Radio or Eldorado Radio, thus I have to open the letter ..
4 If you are not sure about what you heard do send the report to me
personally (or ask at first via E-mail) or wait for the next log list
and try to find out the station name.
5 Do not send unused stamps unless you are sure you use the
correct currency. I keep getting reports for Dutch stations with
German stamps as return postage. An address in Germany does not
necessarily mean that its a German station.
Remark for all those outside the Euro-zone : A common currency in
the region does NOT mean that stamps can be used in different Euro
countries, too !
6 Remember to enclose return postage. Several listeners do not
include return postage. Several other listeners include only simply
return postage. The normal value (in Europe) is 2 times the postage
value for a simple letter (means 2 normal stamps) or 1 USD (Now at
the moment that the USD is falling down this relation is not valid ..).
Do not send IRC's for reports inside Europe, that is wasting money.
For reports from outside IRC's are a good thing, old and new IRC's
are valid in Germany as well as in the Netherlands (even if they
sometimes tell something different)
7 Try to avoid sending Euro-Coins as return postage. Since letters
undergo a 'treatment' in large 'sorting factories' build by the post
these letters that contain sharp things are often destroyed since letter
run between several rolls that are pressed together .. If you enclose
coins secure them with tape to a sheet of strong paper.
8 Please include good details in your reports. I see many reports that
consist of details like 'music announcer address'. If I were the radio
station I would not issue a qsl for these reports.
9 If you do not get an answer from a certain station please inform me
via E-mail. Stations that do not qsl are not allowed to use the drop
box in Merseburg.
Martin from Merseburg
Information about Pirate Radio Addresses at my homepage :
Pirate R Address List http://listen.to/pwdb
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