[HCDX] Transatlantiv FM BC-DX !
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[HCDX] Transatlantiv FM BC-DX !

just read in the AMFMTVDX mailing list (at qth.net) about 2 DX catches of
north american FM stations in the UK ! Maybe of interesst ?

From: Mark Hattam <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [AMFMTVDX]Trans-Atlantic reception via Sporadic E
June 26, 2003
Today at 1950-2000 GMT, FM dx-er David Hamilton in Ayrshire, Scotland
recorded CBTB-FM from Baie Verte, Newfoundland on 97.1 MHz via
multi-hop Sporadic E propagation.
There are two clips accessible via my website - http://www.dxradio.co.uk
In particular, the fisheries broadcast in clip 1 is hosted by John Murphy
This show goes out at 5.30 pm in Newfoundland, which in summer is 2000 GMZ


Also, at 1900 UTC, Paul Logan in Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh,
Northern Ireland recorded the top-of-the-hour ID from WHCF Bangor,
Maine on 88.5 MHz
I have started a dedicated webpage detailing the trans-Atlantic FM
reception this evening.
Mark Hattam

--- unquote

Looks very interessting ! check the webpage for a detailed documentation !

73, Tom - DL8AAM

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