[HCDX] Basel Dx Daily Logbook
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[HCDX] Basel Dx Daily Logbook

Khz/Mode    UTC     ITU SINPO   Station - Details
Basel Dx Daily Logbook: Samstag, 05.07.2003
***  Internet: http://hometown.aol.de/yvesphoenix/BaselDX0.html  ***
***  Qth: Eimeldingen, south-west Germany, 10 km north of city Basel ( CH )  
***  Receiver: Kenwood TS-440S // Ant: GPM - 1500 Allband-Vertical outdoor & 
MFJ-945D  ***

5030        19.04       BFA 23322   Radio Burkina, Quagadougou, f, laut aber 
low signal
5027        19.05       UGA 34434   Radio Uganda, Kampala, afro-pop, 
5010        19.06       MDG 34323   RTM Antananarivo, light-pop Musik, laut, 
- 20.55h
4976        19.07       UGA 35434   Radio Uganda, Kampala, laut
4820        19.12       BOT 34323   Radio Botswana, laut, lokale Sprache
4915        20.55       GHA 45334   GBC Accra, e, religiöses Px, laut
5030        20.57       BFA 34223   Radio Burkina, Quagadougou, f, etwas 

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