RE: [HCDX] Radio Farda QSLing
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RE: [HCDX] Radio Farda QSLing

> It appears that this comments section is an auto-mated response
> page.  Try  and
> type "anything" on this page, and see what you het in 2-3 days.
> This is why  I DO NOT accept e-verifications.  I want to see paper!!!!!

The problem for international broadcasters is that as budgets have been cut,
the amount of secretarial time available for filling out QSL cards is
limited. When cuts are made, they're made as far as possible outside the
areas of programme production and delivery. Sending out QSL's is not seen as
a "core business", particularly for stations like Radio Farda which frankly
don't need reports from people beyond their target audience. If you receive
anything at all, it's done as a courtesy.

The other problem is that - present company excepted - the standard of
reception reports these days is often appalling. Nobody takes the trouble to
learn how to do it properly (though we still have Writing Useful Reception
Reports on our Web site). I see some reports that are sent to Radio
Netherlands by E-mail, and frankly if it were up to me I'd send the reports
back with a standard covering letter explaining why they could not be
verified (I did this years ago when I did some QSL'ing for World Music
Radio. If you have a QSL card bearing my signature you have a real rarity
because I didn't send out many.) Trying to check these bad reports is
time-consuming and explains why more and more broadcasters are automating
the process.

I agree that an automated QSL is not like a "real" QSL, but frankly
sometimes it's all you're going to get.

Having said that, at Radio Netherlands the reports are still checked by
human beings :-)

Andy Sennitt
Radio Netherlands (which does not necessarily endorse my personal opinions)

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