[HCDX] ADDX Special broadcast during EDXC conference
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[HCDX] ADDX Special broadcast during EDXC conference
- To: Andy Sennitt <andys@xxxxxxxxxx>, Anker Petersen <anker.petersen@xxxxxxxxxx>, Bob Padula <bobpadula@xxxxxxxxxxx>, CUMBRE-DX <cumbredx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, DX-India <dx_india@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] ADDX Special broadcast during EDXC conference
- From: Willi Passmann <dj6jz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 01:41:45 +0200
- Cc: GRDXC <globe-radio-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Harold Sellers <listeningin@xxxxxxxxxx>, Hermod Pedersen <hermod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Juichi Yamada/Jembatan <juichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Hard Core DX <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- Reply-to: Willi Passmann <dj6jz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sender: hard-core-dx-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>From August 15 to August 17, 2003 the conference of the European DX
Council (EDXC) will take place in Königstein (near Frankfurt),
Germany. The event is organized by the Rhein Main Radio Club (RMRC).
On this occasion a special broadcast of the ADDX-Media magazine will
be transmitted on sunday, August 17, 2003, hosted by Hans Werner Lange
and Markus Weidner.
1900-1929 UTC analogue on 3965 kHz
1930-1959 UTC digital (DRM) also on 3965 kHz
The magazine will be transmitted via Jülich, analogue with 100 kW,
digital with 40 kW. The antenna will be non directional.
>From about 2000 UTC that day the program will be available as an audio
file also: (www.addx.de)
Reception reports will be confirmed with a special QSL card. Please
enclose return postage (German 55 Cent stamp or 1 IRC from abroad).
Please direct your letters to the following address: ADDX,
Medienprogramm, Postfach 130124, D-40551 Düsseldorf, Germany.
Michael Schmitz, ADDX
Willi Passmann (Editor)
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