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Broadcast Schedule - Radio Thailand , World Service
For listeners in Asia and the Pacific, Africa , Europe, and America on the following frequencies
(As per B-03 seasonal change) - effective October 26,2003

 GMT            BKK time     Language         Frequency(KHz)
 0000-0030   0700-0730   English             09680 
 0030-0100   0730-0800   English               13695
 0100-0200   0800-0900   Thai                   13695
 0300-0330   1000-1030   English               15460
 0330-0430   1030-1130   Thai                   15460
 0530-0600   1230-1300   English               13780
 1000-1100   1700-1800   Thai                   07285
 1100-1115   1800-1815   Vietnamese        07305
 1115-1130   1815-1830   Khmer               07305
 1130-1145   1830-1845   Lao                   06040
 1145-1200   1845-1900   Burmese            06040
 1200-1215   1900-1915   Malaysian          11805
 1215-1230   1915-1930   Indonesian         11805
 1230-1300   1930-2000   English               09810
 1300-1315   2000-2015   Japanese            07160
 1315-1330   2015-2030   Mandarin           07160
 1330-1400   2030-2100   Thai                   07160
 1400-1430   2100-2130   English               09560
 1800-1900   0100-0200   Thai                   11855
 1900-2000   0200-0300   English               09535
 2000-2015   0300-0315   German              09535 
 2015-2030   0315-0330   French               09535
 2030-2045   0330-0345   English               09535
 2045-2115   0345-0415   Thai                   09635

Radio Thailand is part of the Government Public Relations Department, 
Royal Thai Government
236 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road,
Din Daeng – Din Daeng , BKK10400
Tel(662)277-1818, 277-1840 ,277-6139(plus fax)274-9098(recording)and 274-9099
amporns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  website www.prd.go.th

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India.

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