[HCDX] Logs from NH, Nov.19-21
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[HCDX] Logs from NH, Nov.19-21

3250, HONDURAS, R.Luz y Vida, 0141-0153, Nov.20,
Spanish, OM w/ lots of talk over mx, "canned" ID at
0149. Fair w/ static crashes. (Barbour-NH)

1125-1136, Nov.19, YL w/ Hindi vocal mx, talks, YL w/
presumed ID at 1130 followed by more talks and mx.
Very poor under QRN and occasional "sweeper" QRM.

4820, TIBET, Xizang PBS,Lhasa, 1145-1152, Nov.19,
Mandarin, Apparent language lesson w/ OM, several
repetitive phrase, joined by YL after a few minutes.
Fair. (Barbour-NH)

4895, INDIA, AIR Kuresong, 1152-1205, Nov.19, Hindi
vocal mx, YL w/ ID at 1200, brief mx jingle followed
by OM w/ nx. (Barbour-NH)

4902, BOLIVIA, R.San Miguel, 1005-1018, Nov.20,
Spanish, Ranchera-style mx, full "canned" ID at 1014
followed by talk with 2 OM. Fair/poor with static
bursts and mild "sweeper' QRM. (Barbour-NH)

4910, ZAMBIA, R.Zambia/ZNBC, *0240-0256, Nov.21,
English, NA followed by Fish Eagle IS, native mx at
0250 followed by drum beat and OM w/ ID, "This is
Radio Zambia.." Unintelligible, though up-beat, talks
followed, sounded like announcer shouting a list of
names, drum beat again and more tlk. Good music audio,
muddy vocals though. (Barbour-NH)

4960, ECUADOR(P), R.Federacion(P), 1037-1105, Nov.20,
Portugeuse, wind and percussion instrumental version
of Simon and Garfunkel tune at t/in, then musical
selections with OM talking for a few minutes b/w
songs, continuing straight thru 1100. No discernible
ID noted. Good signal. (Barbour-NH)

4990, INDIA(P), AIR Itanagar(P), 1206-1216, Nov.19,
barely audible Hindi mx and tlks, unusable at t/out.
Very poor. (Barbour-NH)

6215, ARGENTINA(P), R.Baluarte(P), 0040-0051, Nov.19,
Spanish?/Portuguese?, Very presumed logging as I seem
to recall reading a while back of this being off the
air. Just audible music at t/in followed by talks.
Ballad followed by more talk at 0048 when "ham" QRM
joins in. I gave up at 0051. Weak,poor under QRM.

9750, MALAYSIA, VO Malaysia/VO Islam, 1138-1203,
Nov.21, Indonesian?, OM w/ talks and Arabic-style
music, long talk until 1159 then brief AR style
instrumental, YL w/ tentative "Saura Islam' ID
followed by pop-like instrumental and more YL talks,
definite mentions of "Malaysia" ballad at 1203.

9810, THAILAND, R.Thailand, *1230-1300*, Nov.21,
English, Mx and ID, "Good Evening and welcome to Radio
Thailand, Friday November 21 and now the news". Mostly
fiscal news regarding budgets, sustainable
development, etc., Commentary on affordable
healthcare. After ID and s/off announcments, OM w/
promo for Thailand Export Mart and "This has been a
Radio Thailand public service announcement",
instrumental music til 1300* (Barbour-NH)

11860, INDONESIA, RRI Jakarta(Cimmanggis), 1208-1215,
Nov.21, Indonesian, OM w/ talks, jingle and RRI ID at
1210, presumed news bulletin then RRI ID again at
1215. This was parralel to 15125. Both poor and almost
gone by t/out though 11860 was the better of the two.
Not a good time to monitor here on the East Coast, if
awake I'll try earlier tomorrow. (Barbour-NH)

12060, MADAGASCAR, R.Sweden relay, 0014-0130*, Nov.20,
Swedish, OM and YL w/ talks, presumed news with
sound-bites, music at 0128 then distinct IS followed
by ID and frequency schedule. Poor, choppy.

15385, ABU DHABI, AWR relay/VO Hope China, 1305-1333,
Nov.19, English/Mandarin, YL w/ English language
lesson, POB for VOHC Hong Kong office and web address
www.vohc.com at programs end. YL in Mandarin at 1329
with same info, very distinct "click" at 1331 followed
by OM in Mandarin with a big drop in audio level.
Possibly a change in antenna direction/output?

15390, AUSTRALIA, HCJB Kunnunura, 1250-1302, Nov.19,
English, Contemporary religous pop ballads w/ YL
announcer. "HCJB, Voice of the Great Southland" ID at
1300 followed by a program sounding very much like
TWR's "Rendevous". Poor,splatter via 15385 AWR,Abu
Dhabi, big drop in audio level at 1300. (Barbour-NH) 

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun

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