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In the upcoming QSL column in CIDX Messenger, two different DXers report
receiving several VoA QSL's and other goodies including mouse pads in recent
weeks. They (VoA) seem to get behind, and then all at once reply to a back log
of reports. I have noted this trend in the last 2-3 years.
I have had ZERO luck sending e-mail reports to the likes of VoA and even Radio
Netherlands, who are probably over whelmed with e-mails from listeners
regarding other questions besides a QSL request. I suspect e-mail requests are
moved to a file that is rarely looked at. Not that these stations are
purposely ignoring e-reports, it is just easier to forget about electronic
files. As they ?say, out of sight, out of mind?. A stack of paper letters is
harder to forget about.
Just my opinion.
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