[HCDX] (no subject)
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[HCDX] (no subject)

Latest sked from RNZI for period 21 December 2003 28 March 2004

UTCkHzMetre Band AzimuthPrimary Target
0400 - 075915340190'All Pacific, also heard Europe, and mid-west USA
0800 - 10599885310'All Pacific, also heard mid-west USA
1100  12591553019325'NW Pacific, Bougainville, Timor, Asia, Europe
1300  17509870490'All Pacific
1751  1950119802535'NE Pacific, Fiji,  Kiribati, Samoa, Cook Islands
1951  223715265190'All Pacific, also heard in Europe
2238 - 035817675160'All Pacific, also heard  on the USA west coast

Paul Ormandy ZL4PW Host of The South Pacific DX Report http://radiodx.com ---[Start Commercial]---------------------

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