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Several more logs on March 30 and 31 on local mornings. on 31.3  
there was a  workers strike , so I did not work , he :-) 

EGYPT? R Cairo 15715 with prg in Indonesian , 1355 with news , ID , 
Arabic song in part and YL with talks Liangas March 30 Thessaloniki 

Cland  15705 RFA 1406 talks by OM /YL in Vietnamese , Many 
references to Vietnam and once heard with Que Hong and Kampuchea 
then phone ins and short instrumental gap  . Audio seems to have 
gaps . Co-ch carrier makes fast fluctuations 44413 S9 max Liangas 
March 30 Thessaloniki Greece

NIGERIA 11770 V of Nigeria ,xx20  continuous talks in Arabic with full 
reference s to Nigeria S20 , 44444 Time not noticed but I think must be 
either 15xx or 16xx 
Tested once more in 15120 on 31/1010 with S7 signal and 44433 
Seems a business program 
Liangas March 30+31  Thessaloniki Greece

MALAYSIA 15295 VoM 0710 with news in English followed by semi 
traditional deli song ' dulu lain sekarang lain' S5 , 21432 due to S30 
signal from RFI. Best at LSB. Also 0855 with up to S9 signal with old 
Malay songs and Nat'l hymn cut by clock and ID by OM in Malay then 
with news . Liangas March 31 Thessaloniki Greece

NEW ZEALAND 9885 RNZI 0725 news talks and phone ins . Short 
headlines by OM at 0728 with mentions on Korea and Good evening 
then by YL during a phone in and mention on NZ . signal just S2 with 
strong QRM from a DRM  xmission on 9890 SINPO 12231 with 2x16m 
inverted V Liangas March 31 Thessaloniki Greece

GREECE 21530 relay of ERA 1 729 at 0740 with adverts signal S6 
34423 Liangas March 31 Thessaloniki Greece

KUWAIT 15110 R Kuwait 0758  with phone ins and Arabic songs, and 
Hurriya heard in several languages including Farsi ! ID at 0800  of 
Kuwait with news  headlines Liangas March 31 Thessaloniki Greece

TAIWAN 15395  heard  marginally at 0916  under Dubai ( just Chinese 
talks ) foe several seconds Liangas March 31 Thessaloniki Greece

S ARABIA  21670 SABC 1038 with Islamic prg in Indonesian and 1046 
with verses translated into Indon.  S7 mean (3-4)4344 //21740 S2 
in R75 and 1102 Liangas March 31 Thessaloniki Greece

--Logging China ---

CHINA /?? 15250  CNR mixed with presume VOA C program at a 
32433 signals  at 0705   
Also on 17550 CNR1very poor under FSK  signal on upper band with 
parallels to 17565 and 17580 
At 0911 , 15380 CNR1 with no S meter but 22432 QRM from 15385 

Liangas March 31 Thessaloniki Greece

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , LOwe HF150 , degen 1102 , Chibo 
C300, YUpi 
7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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