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[HCDX] Costa Rican QSL with a chair

COSTA RICA - In 1990, I wrote an article on TI4NRH, the first Latin American
SWBC station (and 5th in the world) (
http://donmoore.tripod.com/central/costarica/ti4nrh.html ). It included the
following lines about Charles Schroeder, the first North American to receive
and QSL a Latin American SWBC station:

" ... TI4NRH wasn't noticed in the U.S. until the October, 1928 issue of Radio
News, when Charles Schroeder of Philadelphia mentioned hearing but not being
able to identify a Costa Rican station. By this time, Don Amando had changed
frequency from 39 meters to 30 meters. North American DXers began looking for
the station, and by December, 1928, he was flooded with reports. Schroeder had
soon identified the station and sent the first reception report from the United
States. In appreciation, Don Amando had a chair of Costa Rican tropical woods
made for him. The chair was made of disassembled pieces for easy shipping with
written instructions for their assembly, a rare practice in those days. Shipped
by sea mail, the chair arrived in just 12 days according to Schroeder! ..."

So, the first US SWBC QSL from Latin America didn't come with a pennant, it
came with a chair. And, it turns out that this chair still exists. Charles
Schroeder passed away rather young in 1956. However, the family has kept the
chair and I recently heard from his daughter, who came across my article. She
sent me some photos, which can be seen at the Costa Rican graphics section of
my website - http://patepluma.sphosting.com/ticogrph.htm .

Don Moore   DonMooreDXer@xxxxxxxxx

Don Moore   ---   donmooredxer@xxxxxxxxx      
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair

Radio & Latin American website: http://donmoore.tripod.com  
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