[HCDX] LOGS 15-16
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[HCDX] LOGS 15-16

and  more logs: 

R Veritas? 5470 There was a signal of S7 over a S5 noise level 
[Liangas 15.5.5 using R75+16m dipole, Retziki Thessaloniki Greece] 

9133 Coalition Forces 1456 heard wih  mrginal signal under strong 
QEM from FSK  signal on 9131. Music plays [Liangas 15.5.5 using 
R75+16m dipole, Retziki Thessaloniki Greece] 

KOREA 12015 VO KOrean ( Pyong yang) 1501  with national anthem 
and prpogram in russian . QRM possibly from 12025 with CNR  33433 
[Liangas 15.5.5 using R75+16m dipole, Retziki Thessaloniki Greece] 

ETHIOPIA 6940 R Fana with S54- 7 signal on  1855. talks and interval 
music to 1900 then with more talks and phone in A full song on 1908 . 
Heard mentions on MUslims //6210 with better  signal [Liangas 15.5.5 
using R75+16m dipole, Retziki Thessaloniki Greece] 

BABGLADESH  7185  Radio Bangladesh 1938 with hindi type songs  . 
reports , talks between OM and YL  then man reading something like a 
poem. 42532 . QRM from co-ch VOA? ( low signal) and  7190 with CRI 
Eng of S9+10 db [Liangas 15.5.5 using R75+16m dipole, Retziki 
Thessaloniki Greece] 

[W SAHARA ] 7466  RASD 1956 , man singing , 2002 man talking 
news in arabic with many mentions of SAhara ..POlisario and MAghreb 
. Signal: S9 , 43443 some little QRM from 7475 ERA Greece [Liangas 
15.5.5 using R75+16m dipole, Retziki Thessaloniki Greece] 

AUSTRALIA  17820 RCV indonesian  0845  heas been  heard with 
good signals ( 34#33) with pop songs [Liangas 16.5 using PL200 during 
walk  in Thessaloniki) 

Please do not send mesages above 400 kB 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 
1102+1103,Tecsun PL200  
, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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