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We were for 4 days of vacations in Fourka the country house of my 
father-in-law at again a mountain which is nearly totally free of local 

As you will see below , much interesting material  has been gathered ,

Please notice that logs Came from various points  from the Fourka 
'territory' (radius of 6 km)
The most clear 'local night' was the 17.6 without any true QRN
-Radios: Tecsun PL200 and Degen DE1103,
-Earphones DE929 + SONY 'superbass" always used ,  -
-AN-05 Tecsun reel antenna has been used mostly with 3.6 m of 

BCDX 712-715 used as info

AUSTRALIA 15415 R Australia 0551  with interview , ID by YL 
presenting a president of ??? 33433 QRM by 15410 (DW?)so better off 
tune by +2 . Signal on 0600 34433 . Possibly  Xinjiang  PBS coch-QRM 
on 9645    Liangas Fourka 20.6.5

AUSTRALIA 17820 RCV 0916 in Indonesian with talks and song 'time 
after time' more talk and song on 0926 then terming  the word 'hold' or 
'cold' . Poor signal  on 18.6 ON 20.6 on 0551 ( the new time sched) with 
songs and 14532 . Signal is better if  no external antenna is used !  
Liangas Fourka 18.6.5
Also   15335 NF for RCV English  is very poor at 0615 . Heard self ads 
at 0650 ( cvc.tv ) momentarily on 0700  signal goes good , with a pop 
song, but lowers afterwards    Liangas Fourka 20.6.5

AUSTRALIA 4835 VL8A   just marginal @2045 . News (p) by OM /YL in 
English   Liangas Fourka 18.6.5

BOTSWANA 3215 BBC 1906 with news 33343 Liangas Fourka 17.6.5

BRAZIL 11815  RNB 2120 with sports program  , empathic talks by 
speaker Rare QRM from 11820  Jordan  Liangas Fourka 18.6.5

CHINA 4905 //4920 Xizang PBS 2040  with songs  34233  Liangas 
Fourka 18.6.5

ETHIOPIA 7100 Ethiopia 1700 with something  sounded as ID  and 
man giving freqs and mb with instrumental tune before and after ID. 
Fair signal but undermodulatd  Liangas Fourka 18.6.5

INDONESIA 11860 RRI 1220 with news ,talk followed by 1230 with pop 
songs 1300  IS then news 1316 with English pop songs 1330  QRM ed 
by VoTurkey  in Russian 34433    Liangas Fourka 19.6.5

ITALY 5775 (IRRS)  [program?] 1926 with religious program about 
roman empire, 7 churches , pastor has not American pronunciation 
44434 On Sunday 19 signal is 44343

KOREA  11535 V o Korea 1937  with English program and news A 
song on 1944 with translated lyrics then . Program 'dialog under the 
tiger' 33443  Liangas Fourka 17.6.5

RUSSIA  9690 Tatarstan Radio 0625 with songs . YL with short ID' 
bukit.... Tatarstan R ' followed by talks over  'atmospheric' music 
background Signal 34434 . Tune in 0645  with 4544 Also 11925  on 
0825 with opera program and ID Tatarstan ,. Talks followed by classical 
music /operas  Language seems  similar to Kazakh Liangas Fourka 

S AFRICA 3231 R Sonder Grenze 1914 OM with possibly news in NL 
or Africaans , 33333 Music at 1936 and poor signal Liangas Fourka 

S AFRICA 3345 Channel Africa 1916  talks in PP , ID ' u fon Africa por 
Africa.. Canal Africa 'Also ISD at 1934 34232. ON Sunday 1937Z with 
Latin songs 342232Liangas Fourka 17.6.5

S ARABIA 11855 , while looking for Xinjiang PBS  I found A Arabs on 
this freq with ID at 0700 and immediate news signal started  poor,  
gradually going to good [de1103+ 3m ]  Liangas Fourka 18.6.5

SOMALIA 6960 abt 2000 . Not sure if it is Shabelle but a marginal to 
very poor signal has been found with talks and instrumental play at till 
2000 . Mossad covered the signal at 2000  Liangas Fourka 17.6.5

UK 11885  Salama  1951 talks between 2 people in ?? lang , mentions 
of Africa . At 2000  wih song and ID  'salama radio' tel numbers and 
address  given 6316 Nigeria 3703253 salama @.... com followed by 
religious type program as Pale fo Jericho  etc    Liangas Fourka 19.6.5

USA 3230 WYFR  Family Radio 1912  with religious talks 32343 
Liangas Fourka 17.6.5


15500  Salaam Watandar 1330 with afghan songs A report on 1336 
mentioning 'kawula' (slave in arabic?) Another man IDing salaam 
watandar then a song with more talks then and then   children's [gram 
bahar afgan and hindi(c) song followed    Liangas Fourka 19.6.5

15480 DVB 143x OM with pres IDing in bamar   then with news(?) with 
mention of  democratic party and  Kofi Annan 44444    Liangas Fourka 

8000  V of Sudan 1535 OM talks in Arabic possibly  a public address 
Tune in 1544 with horn of Africa song ID at 1553 as Idaatu sawt audan 
and possibly off at 1600 3x4443 [both radios  overloaded at this freq ]    
Liangas Fourka 19.6.5

15660 Demtsi delina? 1525 with continuous mentions of arabis names 
possibly a memorium listing each name ended with tehamusten , and a 
flute background  music  passing 1530 cintinuing  the list to abt 1600 . 
At 1600 a new  program  heard in Arabic sounded as "Rainbow 
Demokratiya " with speech on 1613  Signal on 18.6 is 45534  Liangas 
Fourka 18.6.5
Also 15660 V Delina or Tensae V of Unity 1502, man in Amharic 
mention of Uganda Yahoo Human Rights numbers and internet 
address 1510 with music interval and something as Radio  Tahano 
1523 song.  44444    Liangas Fourka 19.6.5

11800 Minivan R 1620 with  a semi-hindi song . Hone ins , ID Minivan 
with possible numbers and freqs at 1632  then with talks 42442  
Liangas Fourka 18.6.5

12060 R Nile 0448 //15320  with song , talks in EG with mention of 
Kampala Sudan and students Song follows . 12060 fair 15320 poor . 
[PL200 outside window ]    Liangas Fourka 19.6.5 ON Thessaloniki on 
21 15320 goes 43444 and 12060 as 34443

15670 ?? 0655 with a horn of Africa song , carrier and audio instabilities 
Off at 0700    Liangas Fourka 19.6.5

17700 Solh 1230 OM with continuous talks , mention of a tel number 
1240 song Usual ID at 1242 with "Solh radio , khz etc34433    Liangas 
Fourka 19.6.5


MW : HUNGARY  1341  Magyar Katolikus radio with organic music at 
1914ID at 1931 . Little bassy audio 43443. Also 2102 /18./6 with signal 
44444  Liangas Fourka 17.6.5

MW DJIBUTI 1431 R Sawa 2108 arabic and western pop songs 34433  
Liangas Fourka 18.6.5

MW SPAIN 578 RNE Radio 5 2112 with ID 24332  Liangas Fourka 


mysterious: 4855 OM in Italian presenting Jusepe then with some talks 
abt catolico . poor signal Liangas Fourka 18.6.5 1103+3m

LATVIA 9290 [via EMR ] R 6 0625 asking people why they should 
transmit on 5150 (??)with good signal and fair on 0639 x4433 Fair on 
0650 with 3 m wire and 1103
Also ARXCDC 0900  YL requesting  for QSL , spelling address , and 
music intervals. Fair signal on  nearly overmod-ing  PL200 on beach
Liangas Fourka 18.6.5

pirate 6290 'R .... hud' 2010 with Germanic songs OM talks in NL  with 
possible ID and then in EG thanking for a report 32433 with sporadic 
ARQ and CW . 1103+3m
Liangas Fourka 17.6.5

3927  R Spaceman 2024 with rock songs XL you are listening to R 
Spaceman , listeners in Finland , 2032 with country song  then a rock 
and roll then a  medley of shortened  songs ('thumbnails')34343 
Liangas Fourka 18.6.5 1103+3m

6220  Surely Mystery radio with pop songs at 2046 , 34343 Liangas 
Fourka 18.6.5 1103+3m

6260 lost ID 2046 pop and disco songs 'don't let me go ' man IDing you 
are listening to ???? radio. Signed off 21000 Liangas Fourka 18.6.5 

6290 ??? abt 2100 Germanic songs . poor 18.6.5 1103+3m
6310 ?? 2105 marginal signal 18.6.5 1103+3m

6295 Refs Europe 2009 . Poor signal under strong QRN 24242 19.6.5 
6290 RAdio MAzda 2012  germanic  songs  OM with ID 2017 19.6.5 

5451 IS(??) Volmet  (Athens? ) 2030 YL wx 33343  Liangas Fourka 
5506  NY radio 2030 , wx 34343  Liangas Fourka 18.6.5------
Please do not send mesages above 400 kB 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 
1102+1103,Tecsun PL200  
, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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