[HCDX] Radio Poland/Jordan and Eastern U.S. reception
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[HCDX] Radio Poland/Jordan and Eastern U.S. reception

Hello to the list,

I've been lurking out here for a while and envy some of the rare catches you 
guys and gals? pick out of the air and wonder if anyone in the Northeast of 
the U.S. has heard either Radio Poland or Jordan?  It might just be a quirk of 
living in the Berkshire Hills and 200 miles (124 kilometers) inland but I've 
never heard either and current conditions Guarantee it!   I have a 90' random 
wire @ 35' above grade to an ATU and my Realistic DX-150B to give you an idea 
for comparisons sake.

Scott Plantier
Pittsfield, MA.   USA
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