[HCDX] Pacific-DX
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[HCDX] Pacific-DX

some loggings:


4835  ABC Alice Springs, August 8th, 2140, news, local-ID at 2143: 
"ABC Alice Springs"; O=3-4
4910  ABC Tennant Creek, August 8th, 2130, audible under ZNBC; O=1-2
5025  ABC Katherine, August 8th, 2135, nx; O=3


4874.6  RRI Sorong, August 8th, 2125, Indonesian music, ID; O=2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:    Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:    NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
                  DX-One Professional
                  EWE to South America
                  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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