[HCDX] Australia and others
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[HCDX] Australia and others

Australia, 5995, Radio Australia, 0925-0935  Noted a program of music and
comments in Tok Pisin (pres) which is the listed language for the sked.
Signal was fair which is a notch up from what it is usually.  (Chuck
Bolland, August 30, 2005)

Peru, 4826.39, Radio Sicuani, 1001-1013   Noted a woman conversing with a
man in Spanish.  This could be a telephone conversation.  Signal fades to
nil by 1013.  At tune in, the signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, August 30,

Brazil, 4845.20 Radio Cultura Onedas Tropicais, 1014-1020   Initially noted
a man in news until 1015.  Afterwards more comments and music.  Signal was
fair,  (Chuck Bolland, August 30, 2005)

Brazil, 4924.91 Radio Difusora, 1020-1030  Noted both a man and woman
presenting news in Portuguese.  Periodically the time is given over a
canned, sung ID.  At 1025 canned Ads.  Canned ID at 1030.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, August 30, 200...

Peru, 4965.77 Radio Santa Monica, (presumed)1037-1100  Noted a man in
Spanish comments while presenting Huaynos music.  This signal was very good,
but the announcer sounded like he never used a microphone before.  All his
comments were slurred and in the echo effect.  It sounded like he was just
playing around.  Nothing was understandable.  Had there been a decent
announcer on the air, this would have been a perfect logging..  (Chuck
Bolland, August 30, 2005)

Chuck Bolland
Clewiston, Florida

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