[HCDX] Audio on 567
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[HCDX] Audio on 567

I woke up at 0700Z (11/2) and was treated to audio on 567. I heard a 
man speaking in accented English with what sounded like news or 
commentary.  This was barely above the threshold level. A look at 
GeoClock revealed that this time coincided with sunrise in Ireland 
and sunset in New Zealand.  The only other frequency with a 
significant carrier was 738 which could be Tahiti or Spain. No other 
usual TA carriers (585, 684, 855, 909, 1053, 1314 were noted at all.  
Later at 1000Z the only frequency with a carrier was 738.  I will 
keep trying.  Hopefully conditions will improve in time for the LBI 

Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland
300 meter longwire
Quantum phaser
Spectrum Laboratory software for detecting carriers
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