[HCDX] Nepal govt closes down radio station, arrests journalists
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[HCDX] Nepal govt closes down radio station, arrests journalists

Nepal govt closes down radio station, arrests journalists

Kathmandu, Nov 28 (PTI) Nepal police seized equipment from a radio 
station and arrested four journalists and a technician to stop the 
broadcast of an interview with top Maoist leader Prachanda, reports 
A two-member police team raided the Radio Sagarmatha staion late 
last night and seized transmission equipment and also arrested four 
journalists and a technician -- Durga Karki, Dipak Bahadur Aryal, Dipak 
Raj Pandey and Punya Bhandari and Rajendra Rijal, the Kantipur 
Online reported.

Durga Karki, a woman, was later released.

The policemen left two separate letters from the Ministry of Information 
and Communications at the radio station, one asking the station to stop 
operation until further notice and the other asking to handover 
tranmission equipment, the report said.

"It is learnt that the government raided Radio Sagarmatha for 
attempting to carry a BBC Nepali service relay broadcast that included 
the interview of Maoist leader Pushpa KUmar Dahal aias Pranchanda." 
The interview with Prachanda dealt with the recent understanding 
between the politial parties and Maoist ultras to work towards the 
resolution of the conflict in the country, the report said.

Condemning the police action, chairman of the radio station, Laxman 
Upreti in a statement said: "Nepal has been the South Asian country 
pioneering the role of FM radio in informing the public and Radio 
Sagarmatha has been the vanguard of this movement. The action by 
the government is a dagger to the heart of our radio revolution." PTI


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