[HCDX] Classical music on YVKS
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[HCDX] Classical music on YVKS

Good Morning to Glenn and all of you !

The past night, while listening to RCR-750, I noticed after the news (mainly about the gouvernment and the Hugo Chavez relationship with Fidel Castro) and sports newscast ended at 0300 UTC, they switched to non-stop classical music with short announcements about the future of the people and went abruptly off with the national Gloria al Bravo Pueblo anthem around 0400 UTC without any announcements.

It's not the first time I hear classical music on YVKS-750, but all the other times were quick tune by, so it's the first time I really listened. I taped the reception peaks when co-channel WSB Atlanta QRM was less of a problem, even though I still have quite some tape recordings of them, because I'd like to have a QSL from them. Yesturday, in my mailbox there where two stickers and one verification letter from KKNG-93.3 which I received during a very intense sporadic-E opening in June 2002. I didn't had the time to mention this yesturday on my report, because I was buzzy with schooling, chess and other interests. I was really happy.

Since my Spanish isn't too bad at all and I copied the name of Antonio Calderon which was doing Deportiva, I think a written reception report may suffice as well, but with a tape recording it would be even better.

There are still some very residual side-effects of the chemo, which is why I write this at this time, but I will leave for school in just a few minutes.

Be the good DX stuff with you !
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, the SON of Aurel Chiochiu (not Aurel himself like some thought) on the island of Montreal
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