[HCDX] Autonomous Regions in Iraq--Impact on SW broadcasting?
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[HCDX] Autonomous Regions in Iraq--Impact on SW broadcasting?

During a business trip to the Middle East, I have noted an increasing
discussion in the local Arab press about 'autonomous regions' in Iraq as
the Federal Government is being finalized through the elections to be
held next week.  During this discussion, it is apparent that both the
Kurds (in the North) and the Shias(in the South) are moving positively
within the Federal Government structure to have 'autonomous regions'
similar to the way the Kurds governed themselves during the final years
of Sadaam's rule.  If so, this could bode well for SW radio, in that the
region is large enough to prevent FM or MW stations from dominating
completely in the autonomous regions.  I would expect that the Kurd's
broadcasting that has been ongoing to both Turkey and Iran to continue,
and I would think that there would be similar activities going on in the
South between Iraq and Iran--which is also ongoing as we speak.  It is
an interesting concept, and the current policy of the Sunni population
to Federalism in Iraq will be interesting to watch to see if it changes
as the 'wealther' parts of the country become more and more autonomous.

Incidentally, really good DX right now would be the low powered FM
station from Baghdad....Anyone hear it?


Dan Henderson

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