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[HCDX] Loggings from the Queen Charlottes

Summer (oh well, almost summer) DX is alive and well on the Queen Charlotte 
Islands.  Enjoy the following, and apologies for any errors in advance as 
I've just arrived home.  Receiver used was an AOR 7030+, with a classic 
Beverage N/S and a Beverage on the ground running E/W.  Exciting loggings 
at times!  ....Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC.

UNKNOWN 999, 1206-, unknown May 18 English religious broadcasting.  HLCL, 
Korea is listed as a Christian broadcaster, but do they do so in English as 
well?. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

JAPAN 1089, 1222-, JOHB, Sendai May 18 Fair reception of English lesson 
with splash from domestics on 1090. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

JAPAN 1152, 1228-, JOPC, Kushiro May 18 NHK2 English language lesson with 
discussion about whether Pluto should be considered a planet.  Although 
several NHK2 stations are listed, the Hokkaido station is the most likely. 
(Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

AUSTRALIA 1566, 1309-, 3NE Wangaratta May 18 Battling it out with HLAZ, 
Korea.  English variety programming with many mentions of 
Australia.  Sometimes dominating HLAZ. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

BELARUS 11930, 0357-, Belorussian Home Service 1st Programme May 19 Nice 
reception with open carrier at 03:55 tune-in.  Single interval tone, and 
then in Belarusian ID and news headlines dealing primarily with local news. 
Then weather for Miensk, Brest and Grodno mentioned.  Rain and 15 to 17 
degrees in the capitol.  Minimal het noted.  A good solid S7 
signal.  Presumably the same transmitter that once used 11960 during the 
same time period in the past. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 4960, 1155-, Catholic Radio Network May 19 Reception is 
fair to good with inspirational hymns.  Seemingly low modulation.  Much 
better when rechecked at 13:15 (after my MW dx session), with 'God is 
Watching Us' by female vocal. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 7120, 1157-, Radio Wantok Light May 19 Poor reception with 
Christian vocals, and talk in ?Tok Pisin at 11:57.  No where near as strong 
as the virtual armchair copy when they were first on the air several years 
back!. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1725, 1215-, GA aeronautical beacon Goroka May 19 Very 
happy to hear this 50 watt beacon at surprisingly very good levels!  I 
don't believe I've ever heard this one, with only KUT 1737 Kutubu being the 
only PNG beacon audible.  It was, but at only fair levels. (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

AUSTRALIA 2325, 1319-, VL8T Tennant Creek May 19 Excellent reception of ABC 
programming with a call-in show regarding numismatics.  2310 VL8A Alice 
Springs was not on the air this morning. Parallel to 2485 VL8K Katherine 
was also well heard, with it's characteristic buzzing audio. (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

KOREA (NORTH) 2850.05, 1324-, KCBS May 19 Superb reception with very clean 
audio with the usual strident female vocalist, marching to socialist 
victory ;-)  !!!. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

INDONESIA 2960, 1327-, RPDT2 Manggarai May 19 Fair reception with 
Indonesian talk by a male.  A real mom and pop sounding operation. 
(Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

CHINA 3280, 1334-, Voice of Pujiang May 19 Straight 5-5-5 signal with very 
modern programming with many mentions of Shanghai.  At 13:35 a pop song in 
English (I didn't recognize it),interrupted several times by a young 
sounding female.  A real contrast to KCBS, North Korea!. (Salmaniw, Masset, 

INDONESIA 3325.05, 1339-, RRI Palangkaraya May 19 Fair to good reception 
with easy listening Indo music by a female vocalist.  I suspect both PNG 
and Indonesia was very strong this morning as there are several presumably 
PNG open carriers still present on 90 meters. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

INDONESIA 3344.97, 1342-, RRI Ternate May 19 Good reception with a western 
pop song, which seems a bit odd for an Indo station, but sure enough 
afterwards the usual sing-song Indo voice of a young lady came on.  Akin to 
Filipino to me.  Open carrier at 13:44:45.  Then at 13:45:00 returned with 
more traditional Indonesian vocal. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

INDIA 3365, 1347-, AIR Delhi May 19 I wonder whether the very strong 
carrier and weak audio is from an open carrier from PNG.  I suspect 
so.  Indian music heard in the background, which would have been quite 
strong if not for the cochannel OC. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

UNIDENTIFIED 3480.95, 1354-, Unidentified May 19 Good reception, esp in USB 
to avoid a loud het.  I suspect this is Korean.  None of my more recent 
lists show anything, except for a deleted station in the DBS.  Voice of the 
National Salvation,  Wonson.  I suspect this is the same station.  I have 
always been confused over whether or not these clandestine stations beamed 
north or south ever really left the air. Now I'm really confused.  After a 
short musical piece muddy audio by a man and woman.  Perhaps this is one of 
those Kurdish clandestines?  NA or some such piece at 14:01.  Very 
interesting!  NA ended suddenly at 14:02:30.  I have a good audio clip here 
if anyone wishes to have a listen!. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

INDONESIA 3578.77, 1404-, RSPK Ngada May 19 A tentative logging as audio 
was very weak with my local sunrise having taken place quite some time 
ago.  I am hearing very weak Indo talk by a male.  Back into music at 
14:14.  Now barely audible. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

CANADA 3757LSB, 1419-, Ham net May 19 Rather fascinating ham net discussing 
aerial spraying conditions, trap lines, etc.  Mostly good reception. 
(Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

JAPAN 3925, 1421-, Nikkei Radio Broadcasting Corp May 19 Superb reception 
with even a short English clip (an interview with an English speaker about 
fuel cell technology), without Japanese translation.  Many mentions of 
Nikkei weekly.  'Home page' and 'www' mentioned.  Parallel 6055 equally 
strong.  9595 just slightly weaker. Possibly an English lesson, since the 
same male returns explaining what the term 'rev' means!  Society for 
testing English proficiency incorporated mentioned at 14:28 as the 
presenters of this program. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

INDIA 3945, 1433-, AIR Gorakhpur May 19 Urdu is listed at this time 
(Foreign service) with typical middle eastern/sub continental audio, likely 
Koran recitation.  Poor to fair reception but quite clean audio. (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

INDONESIA 3976.06, 1438-, RRI Pontianak May 19 Very good reception despite 
only a S3 to S5 signal.  Very clear, with only a minimal of the typical 
bassy sound of most Indos.  Several mentions of Pontianak.  Best heard on 
my West facing BOG (Beverage on Ground). (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

CHINA 4000, 1444-, Nei Menggu PBS May 19 Good reception with Chinese 
programming.  Parallel to 4620 (poor) and 6045 (very good).  No sign of RRI 
Kendari just above this frequency.  Mongolian service is listed on 4525 
(good reception),  4785 (fair), and 6195 (good under cochannel BBCWS ...I 
think this is Singapore, but references not in front of me). (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

TAJIKISTAN 4635.07, 1452-, Tajik Radio First programme May 19 Presumably 
Dushanbe but off slightly from nominal frequency and a bit of a buzzy 
signal.  Not sure for certain as it's too weak to ascertain any content. 
(Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

USA 4666, 1456-, San Francisco Aeroradio May 19 Couldn't help but mention a 
silky smooth sounding female op on this frequency calling and receiving 
calls from airliners over the Pacific.  Good reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, 

TIBET 4820, 1500-, Xizang PBS May 19 ID in Chinese as listed in the DBS 
mentioning 'Xizang.... .... Dientai'.  Good reception.  Parallels 5935 
(very good), 7170 weakly heard under cochannel.  Tibetan service heard on 
4905 (good), 4920 (fair to good), 5240 (poor to fair), and 7385 (poor). 
(Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

INDONESIA 4925, 1510-, RRI Jambi May 19 Presumably them at fair to good 
reception hours after my local sunrise with easy listening modern vocal. 
(Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

TURKMENISTAN 4930, 1511-, Turkmen Radio HS2 May 19 Again a presumed logging 
at poor to fair level with EZL western sounding music.  Not sure who else 
this could be. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

SOLOMON ISLANDS 5019.87, 1519-, SIBC May 19 Fair to good reception of BBCWS 
relay with world news. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

AUSTRALIA 774, 1245-, 3LO Melbourne May 20 A fascinating morning!  The best 
of the 3 so far and I'm pleased with my west aiming BOG.  Definitely an 
Australian morning compared with a northerly emphasis the previous 2 
mornings.  Presumably 3LO battling it out with JOUB, with the Aussie 
usually overtop with a very nice signal!  The Aussie noted in // to 747 so 
likely 7PB Hobart. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

UNIDENTIFIED 792, 1255-, unid, later 4RN Australia May 20 Tantalizing!  I'm 
listening to Indian sounding instrumental music at fair to almost good 
levels.  Sure doesn't sound like Australia, but I'll know soon enough if 
the signal holds. Of course by the TOH, the signal had faded and then came 
back just after 13:00 at which time the signal was from 4RN.  The same or 
different stations?  I would have loved to report Nepal or Pakistan, but 
alas, most likely just 4RN!. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

NEW ZEALAND 3935.1, 1350-, ZLXA May 20 Weak audio in English dominated by a 
loud continuous utility sounding QRM.  Can't make much more out, 
unfortunately. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

VIETNAM 4739.70, 1355-, Radio Son La May 20 Very distinctive music 
immediately identifiable.  Although not nearly as good as heard in 
Grayland, nonetheless still a decent signal at S5.  Audio still a little 
distorted, but nowhere nearly as bad as when previously heard in Grayland 
last year.  A very brief announcement just after 14:00 and then off. 
(Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

OMAN 15140, 1406-, Radio Sultanate of Oman May 20 Good S6 to S6 signal with 
English news and ID at 13:07.  A very minor low level hum 
present.  Headlines at 14:10.  'That's it for the moment from the news desk 
of Radio Sultanate of Oman', heard at 14:11. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

SWAZILAND 15359.89, 1412-, TWR Swaziland May 20 Noted them on an 
off-frequency with their IS and an ID as, 'This is Trans World Radio, 
Swaziland'. Then off at 14:15.  My out of date ILG (from A05) shows 
Urdu.  Weak but in the clear. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

VIETNAM 9839.92, 1427-, Voice of Vietnam May 20 Strong reception of VoV's 
Japanese service with sign-off announcements and then open 
carrier.  Indonesian scheduled from 14:30.  Sure enough at 14:30 no IS 
heard, but into the same ident song as I recall from the 70s. (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

RUSSIA 5890, 1433-, Shiokaze program May 20 No chance to make anything out 
of them, although reception was strong. Completely obliterated, though, by 
a very loud pulsing buzz jammer on both USB and LSB.  Darn!. (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

INDIA 4970, 1440-, AIR Shillong May 20 Easy listening western music with a 
nice clean S5 signal.  Brief English talk just before this song by a 
YL.  Then a Beatles song (As my guitar gently weeps).  Then another Beatles 
song (Life goes on).  Same YL announced the previous songs and the next 
one.  Morse intruder suddenly came on at 14:51, but on LSB only.  Blue 
skies, and other western songs.  Unfortunately, not a single Indian 
song.  North Eastern serve of AIR from Shillong ID'd twice at 15:00 in 
English, and then onto more western songs. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

AUSTRALIA 1611, 1230-, Radio Two May 20 I knew things were hopping when I 
briefly monitored this Australian graveyard frequency at 12:30 and heard 
music, and at least 3 different programs.  At 13:01 I caught a 'Radio Two' 
ID at decent levels.  Excited, I checked the PAL only to find about 20 
Radio Two stations all sharing the same frequency!!!  Still, I'm very 
pleased. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

AUSTRALIA 747, 1235-, 7PB Hobart May 20 At 12:35 I could hear an English 
program cochannel with the louder JOIB.  Wasn't sure who they were until I 
came across a // frequency of 774 with 3L0 dominating JOUB.  I'm therefore 
presuming this one to be 7PB in Tasmania.  Hopefully that's the correct 
assumption as the other Aussie stations don't appear to match. (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

AUSTRALIA 738, 1235-, 2NR May 20 ABC ID and phone number following some 
English music.  Sometimes good reception.  Didn't hear the usual RFO Tahiti 
this morning. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

MALAYSIA 7295, 1506-, RTM Kuala Lumpur May 20 Traxx FM, but with English 
news ending at 15:09 without a Traxx FM ID and into rapp music.  Kuala 
Lumpur mentioned at the end of the news.  I went to have breakfast and upon 
my return at 15:52 the signal was musch stronger and totally in the 
clear.  Excellent reception!  34 minutes past 11:00 (or was that 54 
minutes?).  Traxx FM ID at 16:00 and TC for midnight, so it was 54 
minutes.  Wonderful programming!  Into news. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

VIETNAM 9730, 1602-, Voice of Vietnam May 20 English service for Europe 
with fair to good reception.  Parallel to 7220 poor to fair, and 7280 
stronger, but under a cochannel. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 1230, 2326-, KIFW, Sitka May 20 Fair reception at 4:30 PM best on 
North Beverage which makes sense.  Interesting that they're in // to KCKN 
Ketchikan on 930, the closest Alaskan which is heard like a local, with 
local IDs in between the oldies.  Saturday night's alright for fightin' by 
Elton John. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

USA 6925, 0317-, Pirate unknown May 21 Fair reception.  I just missed the 
announcement as I tuned the frequency.  Suddenly off at 03:25 after a short 
announcement.  Something like 'here's the deal'.  At least that's what it 
sounded like.  Oh well, perhaps they'll be back.  Speaking of pirates, I've 
noted the absence for several weeks of the southern California pirate 
KCBM.  They had a regular schedule Saturday nights on 6990,  with a decent 
signal into BC. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 890, 1333-, KBBI, Homer May 21 Excellent reception with BBCWS 
relay.  ID at 13:59. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 1110, 1348-, KAGV, Big Lake-Houston May 21 I suspect that KAGV is 
back on the air.  Heard at fair level with inspirational hymns.  Hopefully 
it will still be audible in 10 minutes for an ID.  Yes!  ID as KAGV, 
Alaska's Gospel Voice at 13:56.  Full ID at 14:00. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

DIEGO GARCIA 12579, 1434-, AFN May 21 Interesting to figure out.  Quite 
distorted, so I thought this was a spur, but it does not appear to be the 
case.  Parallel to Guam 5765 (very good), and Pearl Harbor 10320 
(fair).  Signal is S5 to S7, and suffers from the usual tone utility/slow 
CW.  Plug finally pulled at 14:53:30. What a mess! Within a minute I was 
able to hear them very weakly on 4319U.  That signal doesn't appear to be 
distorted, although it's probably too weak to be sure. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

OMAN 15140, 1458-, Radio Sultanate of Oman May 21 What a difference a day 
makes.  Signal earlier in the hour was very weak, but improved to good 
level when I checked just now.  Western pop music cut a few seconds later 
and replaced by Arabic program. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

MALAYSIA 7295, 1504-, Traxx FM May 21 English news, mostly regarding 
Malaysia, such as elections in Sarawak, and bilateral relations between 
Mongolia and Malaysia, and Slovak-Sabah relations (!).  Good level (S7), 
but suffering from some adjacent splatter on both sides.  Recap of 
headlines at 15:09:30 and ID for RTM newsroom.  'Before we end, say no to 
corruption.'. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

JAPAN 1575, 1211-, American Forces Network May 22 A very tentative 
logging.  This station plays almost continous US rock music.  Quite 
weak.  This is not what I'd expect from VOA Thailand.  Yes, definitely US 
military in Japan with English heard briefly at 12:30:30 for about 30 
seconds clearly, then down in the mud again. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

PHILIPPINES 1512, 1221-, DYAB May 22 Not sure which of the 2 Filipino 
stations this is, but reception is quite nice!  About a 7 to 8/10 with call 
in show and fast paced Filipino talk with a smattering of English words.  I 
did pick up Da Vinci code.  Lots of 'oh-oh'.  Doesn't sound Christian, so 
I'm leaning towards DYAB as most likely, versus DYAT.  I should have a good 
audio clip. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

PHILIPPINES 1458, 1240-, DYZZ Radio Bantay. May 22 Another Filipino 
station!  Deep fades, but when up it's at fair plus levels.  Again, I'm not 
sure which it is.  Probably not FEBC, so it's either DZJV, but most likely 
DYZZ Radio Bantay as it fits PAL best.  I'm very pleased!  Definitely a 
Filipino opening!. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 670, 1329-, KDLG May 22 BBCWS programming, and then a generic NPR 
ID.  Local IDs usually occur just before the top of the hour.  Fair 
reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 800, 1334-, KINY, Juneau May 22 Oldies music followed by semi-ID as 
Hometown Radio, and mentions of the capital.  Good reception. (Salmaniw, 
Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 930, 1338-, KTKN, Ketchikan May 22 Local programming with KTKN.com 
website and PSA.  This is the strongest AM station heard in Masset, heard 
very well all day. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 1229.99, 1350-, KIFW, Sitka May 22 Very strong reception with ad for 
'Coastal Contacts', then dead air (which occurs frequently on this 
station...I'm assuming this is a spot for local announcements between 
network feeds).  Finally, after about 3 minutes of dead air,'The latest in 
Alaskan news at KIFW.com'. Full ID at 13:59:40 for KIFW.  Reporting first 
drop in gasoline prices by a penny. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

ALASKA 620, 1406-, KGTL, Homer May 22 Simple ID as 'KGTL 620' following USA 
network news.  Fair to good reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

DIEGO GARCIA 12579, 1412-, AFN May 22 Very good reception this morning 
except for occ CW interference.  Distorted audio heard yesterday is gone 
today.  USA radio network news at 14:15.  Off in mid-sentence at 14:52:30, 
and then very weakly heard on 4319U.  Monitored the entire time, and not a 
hint of anything local.  I'm still skeptical over reports of local IDs 
heard. (Salmaniw, Masset, B.C.)

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