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[HCDX] WUNNEWS Vol 12: Issue 1, January 2006

    Publicado en el WUN de Enero, publicación dedicada a las emisoras utilitarias.
  In December, I published Mathias Kropf's "2005 Clandestine Activity
Survey". As I said last month, Clandestine Stations are not covered by
N&O but we do regularly mention the jammers who are chasing them.
I have compiled a list of the jammers that were heard in the past few
weeks. Quite an impressive list for such a short period. I received
reports about jammers from China, Cuba, Iran, Iraq?, Libya, Morocco,
N.Korea, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Some of the info was derived from the
Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) bulletin.
  Jammed stations: Voice of China
                   Sound of Hope Intl.
                   Voice of Han
                   Radio Free Asia
  Frequencies: 7270, 7310, 7355, 9635, 9745, 11765 kHz.
  - CUBA
  Jammed station: Radio Marti
    Frequencies: 7405, 11845, 11930, 13630, 13820, 15330, 17670 kHz.
  - IRAN
  Jammed stations: Voice of Iranian Kurdistan
                   Voice of Iranian Revolution
                   Voice of Communist Party of Iran
                   Voice of the Struggle of Iranian Kurdistan
    Frequencies: 3856, 3861, 3865, 3881, 3896, 3960, 3968, 3970, 3980,
               4365, 4376, 4400, 4406, 4615, 4850, 4860, 4862, 4870,
               4886, 6421 kHz.
  - IRAQ?
   Jammed station: Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan
     Frequency: 3970.5 kHz. Note: It is not clear of this one comes from
   Iraq. Some say that either Iran or Turkey is jamming the station. It
   used to be jammed by Iraq before the US invasion.
    The following item reached me via the CRW bulletin.
    Protest to Libya after satellites jammed
  David Hencke and Owen Gibson, The Guardian
  December 3, 2005
    Article originally posted at:
    British and US diplomats have protested to the Libyan government
  after two international satellites were illegally jammed, knocking
  off air dozens of TV and radio stations serving Britain and Europe
  and disrupting American diplomatic, military and FBI communications.
  Among stations hit were digital broadcasts by Five, BBC World, CNN
  International, US sports channels, cable TV networks and 23 radio
  stations. According to an email sent by one of the satellite owners,
  Loral Skynet, the US state department said it "would take it into
  their own hands" unless the interference stopped.
  Jammed station: National Radio of the Arab-Saharan Democratic Republic
    Frequency: 1550 kHz.
  Jammed station: Radio Sea Breeze/Shiokaze
    Frequency: 5890 kHz.
  Jammed stations: Degar Voice
                   Que Huong Radio
    Frequencies: 7350, 15680 kHz
  Jammed station: Voice of the People
    Frequencies: 7120, 11705 kHz.
  Two unids from Igor:
  9245 kHz, 1222 UTC, 23 Jan. Mode: Morse.


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