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On 30 Jan 06, at 5:35, hard-core-dx-request@hard-cor wrote:

> From: Russell Lay <russlay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Has anyone ever found an address for these guys,a suspected location,
> or anything else about them? I've caught them several times putting a
> huge signal into coastal North Carolina. Seen some published email
> addresses but letters to them have come bouncing back. I assume the
> location to be Europe, but it seems strange that such a powerful
> pirate would be so totally anonymous and averse to listener contact.

Several E-mails adresses bounced back ? No wonder, they only 
had one address mysteryradio@xxxxxxxxxxx but even that one is 
now closed. They even even do not have a mail box and they are 
NOT from Great Britain as some loggers assume again and again.

For those who are interested in up-to-date pirate loggings please 
joind the Dr. Tim Pirate Radio News - (nearly) all pirate logs from 
the weekend in Europe (SW and MW) - every monday via E-mail 
(two mails in txt format). Language is German, but that does not 
matter if looking at the logs ..

Enter your address in the reg. box at
and send me a short mail with your name/location. We are bit 
cautious with new members. Thats why the Dr. Tim news do not 
have a homepage or an online-version.

Martin Schöch

Martin Schoech - PF 101145 - D-99801 Eisenach 
E-mail: radio@xxxxxxxxxxx Web: www.schoechi.de

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