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As some of you know, I have been in contact with a VOA official 
concerning QSL's.  The VOA had one person responsible for QSLing and 
that person passed away suddenly in 2005. I have in the past three 
weeks received two QSL's from the VOA for the same report. One was 
sent to the WRTH snail mail address in October, a follow up was sent 
to the email address on the web site in December. As mentioned, both 
have now been verified with a card specific to the Sao Tome 
transmitter site (the QSL depicts the antenna array there from an 
aerial photo), along with a calendar and rather large magazine style 
program guide.

I would recommend sending polite follow up reports via either method 
at this juncture, or, if reception is of an more easily heard relay 
site, a new report. I would emphasize that everyone remain polite and 
not criticize the VOA for not responding to prior reports. Always 
remember that QSL's are a courtesy and are never a "right" for DXers. 
I would allow 4-6 weeks for a response.

Russell Lay
Nags Head, NC

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