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[HCDX] India Radio Forum 2006

India Radio Forum 2006 

Radio is playing as loudly as ever, with new licenses,
new digital options, new funding sources and a host of
innovative ways to connect with a wide range of
audiences. And not only in India. Around the world,
the radio dial is being revitalized and recognized
anew as a valuable part of the media and content
creation mix. 
Radio?s long history means many of the questions about
listening and hearing have already been answered. But
the new media environment means as many remain to be
? Is India keeping up with world trends in radio? 
? Is there anything we need to know about the rest of
the world that can be applied to the Indian radio
? What are the predictions for India?s radio scene? 
? Just how many players are too many? 
? How can radio be most effectively, efficiently and
creatively added to the media mix? 
? What do media buyers need to know ? and how can this
best be delivered ? to make the most effective radio
decisions possible? 
? How niche is niche when it comes to audience
segments for radio? 
? What are the technologies that will make the most
difference to radio players and to listeners? 
? Is digital radio a good option or a fancy gimmick
for India? 
? What are the best regulatory models for radio in the
next communications age ? and how best can India move
towards a modern and robust framework that will
encourage growth? 
? And last, but by no means least, what are the
business models for a new radio environment? 

Business/Technology Track 
Join our panel of Government regulators, industry CEOs
and the Ad community as they share their vision of
creating a vibrant and diverse Indian Radio industry
by the year 2010. What needs to happen to make this
vision a reality? The panel will look at the
industry's current strengths and weaknesses and how
our current thinking will shape the future. This
session is presented in two parts - presentations and
the Q and A discussions. 
Abraham Thomas, 
Chief Operating Officer, 
Apurva Purohit, 
MBPL / Radiocity 
Prashant Panday, 
Radio Mirchi 
Raj Gupta, 
Chief Strategy Officer, 
Lintas Media Group 

Rajesh Tahil, 
Station Director 
GO 92.5 

Tarun Katial, 
Adlabs Films Ltd 
A look at the major radio markets from around the
world. Is there anything India can adopt and adapt?
Are there any lessons in what to avoid? Is there any
way to fast-track the radio roll out process? How can
Indian radio broadcasters make the best use of the
lessons learned in other markets? 
Neil Curry,
Senior Commissioning Editor, 
BBC World Service English Networks 
Is the Indian market big enough to support all the new
radio licenses being issued? And if it is, is there
enough differentiation between the channels to build
viable businesses? What new genres can be explored to
offer listeners a real choice? 
Anish Trivedi, 
Chief Managing Director, 
Banyan Tree 
Hemant Mehta, 
VP & Country Manager, 
IMRB International, 
Media & Panel Group 
Vehrnon Ibrahim, 
National Head of Programming, 
Red FM 
Listeners can obtain their music from a range of new
stations as well as a raft of new technologies. The
new ways of distributing audio content - the Internet,
pod-casting, 3G, and Visual Radio ? are making radio
stations? jobs more challenging but ultimately
offering more opportunities. How can radio use
technological innovations to enhance the listening
experience? This session looks at the many
opportunities now available and how advertisers and
stations can benefit from them. In the new media
environment what does it now take to strike gold? 
James Cridland, 
Director of Digital Media, 
Virgin Radio UK 
Nick Piggott,
Digital Content Manager, 
GCAP Media 
Media Buying and
Advertising Track 
With sponsorship and on-air promotions growing year on
year as a percentage of all radio revenues, we look at
the long-term future of spot advertising. What is the
optimal mix of traditional spot advertising and linked
sponsorship? How do you marry programming demands with
those of the sponsor without alienating your audience
and delivering value to the client? This session will
explore ways to successfully manage the mix of
programming, advertising and agency sensibilities. 
Chris Goldson,
Director of Sponsorship & Promotions, 
Virgin Radio 
Radio offers many unique advantages over all other
advertising options yet it is often overlooked in
media campaigns. We look at successful local and
international campaigns that have included radio as a
core component and see what factors ensured their
success. Join our panel of experts from agencies.
FMCG, and Radio sales and be inspired by the selection
of results proven campaigns. 
Douglas McArthur, OBE 
Chief Executive, 
Radio Advertising Bureau 
Rahul Welde,
GM Media Hindustan Lever & Head - Media Services, 
Unilever South Asia 

Sam Balsara,
Chairman & Managing Director, 
Madison World 

Saugata Gupta,
Chief - Sales & Marketing, 
Almost no media schedules use only one medium. But
what is radio's role in the mixed media schedule?
Radio doesn't have visuals, which sets it apart from
all other display advertising media. So, instead of
being simply additional exposure to visual media,
radio influences a different part of the brain and
multiplies the message. Presented by the UK's RAB,
this session will look at radio's role as a multiplier
with TV, print, outdoor and the Internet, and provide
you the right stuff to make radio work for you. 
Douglas McArthur, OBE 
Chief Executive, 
Radio Advertising Bureau 
Programming Track 
Strategies and ideas for content creation and
delivering an advertiser-friendly audience. How to use
value-added services to ensure audience loyalty. How
to grow the value of your stations through strategic
programming and partnerships. Plus the programming
challenges to overcome and the innovations that will
make the difference.
Dave McDonald,
Senior VP/Market Manager, 
CBS Radio Seattle Washington 
10 great ideas for differentiating yourself from the
crowd ? The explosion of new licenses has changed the
Indian radio programmer's job forever. The vast
increase in competition for consumer's head space
means the appeal of more ?carbon copy? Bollywood
stations may be limited. In order to thrive in this
competitive environment you will have to have a clear
programming identity and a unique listening
proposition. How to cut through the clutter with your
programming to establish yourself as the number one in
your market? Which internationally successful
programming genres would work well in India? How best
can you fill the current gaps before your competition?
This session will also look at some great competitions
and contests that will also help make your station
stand out from the crowd. 
Omar Essack, 
Executive Director: Broadcasting, 
Kagiso Media Limited, South Africa 
Promotion and
Marketing Track
Some shortcuts are more successful than others? In
this hands-on session, we look at the crème of the
hints, tips and suggestions for everything from
identifying the target and building hype to exciting
the audience and keeping them hooked. The synergies of
off air and on air elements are even more essential
today as no successful campaign works in isolation.
Learn about the factors that make your viewers believe
in your brand. Be proud of your origins, be
inspirational and take your brand to greater heights.
James Yip, 
MediaCorp Radio Singapore 
Bernard Lim, 
GM - English Programme, 
MediaCorp Radio Singapore 
After a year spent creating and producing your own
work, this is your chance to see what's been going on
around you. This session brings you a brilliant
selection of the best radio promotion and advertising
work from around the globe. This is a unique
opportunity to discover the most exciting work of your
peers from every corner of the world.
Jim Chabin,
Radio stations struggle to be heard in an ever-growing
multi-channel world but there are a variety of ways
you can use promotion to make a mark and get your
voice heard. This session highlights some of the
techniques, designs and great spots used to create a
buzz about channels outside the US with a whole range
of great ideas tailored to suit any budget. Tone of
voice, technology, cross promotional identity and
cultural relevance will come under the microscope. 
Karen Tobin,
Director of Marketing, 
CBS K-Earth 101FM 


Early Bird 
IRF06 ? Mumbai - Registration (Individual) 
USD100.00 INR4500 

IRF06 ? Mumbai - Registration (Individual) 
USD120.00 INR5400 

Payment may also be made in Indian Rupees. 
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