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[HCDX] Madison-Milwaukee Get-Together for DXers and Radio Enthusiasts

(This is being sent to several radio-related  mailing lists.  Please pardon 
any duplication.)

This is a reminder  about the 13th Annual Madison-Milwaukee Get-Together for 
DXers and Radio  Enthusiasts, which is coming up in just over a week.  The 
arrangements are  all made, and we've heard from a lot of people in diverse areas 
of the radio  hobby who plan to attend.

Date: Saturday, August 19, 2006
Time: 1 to  11 p.m. 
Location: the home of Neil Kazaross, 1380 Lake Shore Rd in Grafton  WI, which 
is located in Ozaukee Co., just north of Milwaukee.

Note: We  sincerely thank Neil Kazaross and his wife Laura for graciously 
offering to host  the event at their home.  Tim Noonan is organizing the event, 
and you are  encouraged to direct correspondence regarding it to Tim.

Further  information: Please feel free to be in touch with me (Tim) at  
<DXing2@xxxxxxx> or 414 762-2702 with any questions.  Tell your  radio 
friends about 
it, and plan to join us for another fun and memorable  day of visiting with 
your fellow radio hobbyists.


Tim  Noonan
Oak Creek WI 
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World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is out. 
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