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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 12-14

** ALBANIA. Looked for R. Tirana, English to NAm on 6115 and 7465, Nov 14 at
0331, but nothing audible on either. Propagation from E Eu was not so good tho
Russia was making it on 6240, as was Ukraine on 5820 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CHINA [non]. Couldn`t hear Canada on 31m, Nov 13 at 0300, but R.
Internacional de China was inbooming via Brasil, opening 9665. There were some
small audio dropouts; I`ll bet most listeners in Latin America have no idea
this is transmitted from Brasília  (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CROATIA [non]. Voice of Croatia, 7285 via Germany, Germany and Germany, Nov
14 at 0310 in English discussing new translation of Shakespeare. Signal had a
`hollow` reverb sound, because transmitters were not precisely synchronized,
but pretty close, could be, and has been worse. I guess English starts at 0300

** CROATIA [non]. Here we are two weeks into B-06, and VOC is still 
displaying the A-06 schedule with outdated times and frequencies at 
http://www.hrt.hr/hr/glashrvatske/gh_eng.html --- and even tho they 
have this hard-to-find page in English, they do not consider it of any 
importance to tell us just when their English segments are (or were). 
We have already published the correct transmission schedule, including 
7285 ex-9925 to Ams, thanks to DTK and Kai Ludwig (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA. Altho Arnie announced it last week, RHC still hasn`t left 9820 for
6180. English on 9820 at 0301 UT Nov 14, while 6180 was occupied by DW in
Swahili via Rwanda with ID at 0330. RHC English also on 6000, but could not
hear it on 6060, squeezed between REE and WYFR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** CUBA [non]. Alleged new R. República relay via Sackville, supposed to start
UT Nov 14 at 0200-0500 on 9630 --- did not check until 0300, but nothing
audible on 9630. However, nothing audible on CBC NQ 9625 either.
Sackville-to-Enid MUF may have plummeted, so I wonder if either was audible
closer to Cuba. Spain direct on 9620 was JBA. Meanwhile, other RR transmissions
checked at 0415: 5970 via Germany dominated by jamming, and ex-5910 also with
jamming; 7110 via UK, also nothing but jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** ECUADOR. Don`t you believe that HCJB no longer broadcasts in English. Quite
by chance I ran across Spotlight, the special-English-teaching quarter-hour,
twice in a row on two different frequencies: UT Tue Nov 14 at 0320 on 9745,
presumably started at 0315, with story of how a surfer named Ángel in Puerto
Rico took on the Army Corps of Engineers for dumping waste underwater damaging
coral reefs. Finally got them to stop but will take a long time for the reefs
to recover. Closing before 0330 gave program title, episode title Saving the
Coral, website http://www.radio.english.net and back into Spanish. Quite by
chance again, a few minutes later patrolling the 49m band I came on the very
same episode on another HCJB frequency, 6050, at 0333, presumably started at
0330. Not sure if this is nightly or weekly, but Spotlight has also shown up at
various other times on HCJB`s hard-to-obtain Spanish program schedule.
Excellent on 9745, good on 6050 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GABON. Nov 13 at 1456 check, ANO harmonic 19160 with buzz but also some
audio mixed in (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUYANA. Me too, can`t recall hearing 3291 better here, Nov 13 at 0648 with
English dialog, drama? Yes, that would fit for BBCWS Americas stream UT Mon at
06-07: BBC World Drama: Small Talk: Big Picture, but I`d rather hear local
programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** HUNGARY. R. Budapest, 5980, must be the source of something in Hungarian,
Nov 14 at 0318, but there was some singing underneath, unsure whence. After
0330, English on 6035 was fair but squeezed between Spain 6040 and Cuban
jamming 6030 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. NHK Warido, 9660, just caught signing off by 0300 Nov 14. That
would be Portuguese at 0230 via Guiana French  (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** KOREA NORTH [non]. Shiokaze`s new 9950, presumably still via Taiwan: not a
chance here with supersignal from WEWN on 9955, but checked anyway at 1315 Nov
13. How is it in CA? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PORTUGAL. DW Sines, 3995 with DRM noise, Nov 14 at 0325. Fair signal but
enough to discourage NAm hams from using 3990-4000; I wonder if it would decode
here. At 0355 this is scheduled to go off, with Wertachtal DRM taking over from
0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. V. of Russia blasts away any marines wanting to use their band, 6240
with 500 kW at 313 degrees from Armavir doing the trick for English to NAm, Nov
14 at 0311 with items on US politics, Iran (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** SOUTH AFRICA. Channel Africa, 7390, Nov 14 at 0304 with news in English
about UN, AIDS in Africa, brief QRM de data burst, 0308 economic news. F-G
signal tho aimed at 20 degrees from Meyerton for EAf. But this is primetime in
NAm, just about when Radio RSA used to aim our way (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** SWAZILAND. TWR becomes a nuisance beyond its misguided programming: 
Nov 13 at 1452 I was listening to RA 9590, and heard tinkling music 
box QRM, which proved to be from adjacent 9585 with TWR IS and English 

** THAILAND. Some tentative schedules showed R. Thailand via Delano 5890 with
English at 0300, same time as last B-05, while it shifted to 0200 during A-06
unlike A-05. But now Nov 14 at 0300+ I find it in Thai, so English must still
be at 0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [and non]. Nov 14 at 0309 on 7325 a Cuban accent caught my ear in
discussion of US politix; could it be another clandestine broadcast? No, just
an interviewee on BBCWS`s only remaining Spanish hour, via Skelton/Rampisham,
and also heard // 6110 Furman/Cypress Creek, not exactly synchronized, and no
jamming on either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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