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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 19

** CANADA. Checking out Sackville frequencies Nov 19 at 0155, I could detect
only very weak carriers on 9625 and 9755, and could be sure even those were
from CBCNQ and RCI English respectively. Heavy jamming against absent R.
República, 9630 at 0215, did not help. At 0214, KBS World Radio relay on 9560
was audible, but poorly, and not easily listenable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** COSTA RICA. REE via Cariari, 9675, Nov 19 at 0230 exhibited the usual
undermodulation, muffled audio from this relay, and also had co-channel from
Brazilian, presumably R. Canção Nova (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. As Bernie O`Shea observed the night before, things are changing at
RHC, and not everything matches the schedule Arnie Coro gave out a sesquiweek
ago. UT Sunday Nov 19 I started monitoring at 0152. 9550 was in French, 9600
was in Spanish plus hum, both VG signals. Nothing on 9820. Heavy jamming on
9515 against ex-Martí frequency. At 0154, found that 9600 was // 6060 and 5965
in Spanish, and the same after hourtop at 0203. At 0154, 6000 // 6180 in music,
presumably English service with much better signal on 6180; at 0202 English ID
and news. Co-channel QRM audible under 6180, Brasil? By 0213, the 31m channels
had become much weaker. But very heavy Cuban pulse jamming against nothing was
still strong on 9630, synchronized with 9955, about 5 pulses per second along
with all the other noise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. Quick check of 60m, Nov 19 at 0208 found music on 4919, presumably
R. Quito, on its distinctive frequency. Are they on every night, but not 24h
now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. NHK Warido in Portuguese news via Montsinéry, Nov 19 at 0232,
with a strange defect. The modulation kept dropping out a few times per second
but irregularly, and the carrier level was also dropping as observable on
S-meter, but never going completely off. Unlistenable until this cleared up a
couple minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HUNGARY [and non]. R. Budapest, 6110 to NAm in English, Nov 19 at 0200 fair
signal and atop co-channel, which would be Rai via Ascension to SAm, but I
wouldn`t depend on that always being the case (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** MEXICO. R. Educación, 6185, uncomfortably close to RHC`s new 6180, monitored
Nov 19 at 0225 discussing S. American politix, at the moment holding its own
against RHC, especially when RHC was not playing music. As far as I could
determine the two had equal signal strength here, which says a lot for XEPPM
considering the actual disparity in transmitter power and antenna gain.
However, RHC never had any adjacent-channel QRM from 6185. That frequency also
had some co-channel under causing a slight ripple, maybe FEBA via UAE as
Vatican does not start until 03. I am afraid that Amazônia may shift to 6185
because of Habana on 6180, as it has done in the past (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** SAINT HELENA [non]. One would have been startled to hear R. Saint Helena on
11745, along with adjacent SSB QRM, Nov 19 at 0210 on 11745, but I realized it
was just a repeat of Radio DX, with Célio Romais playing tapes of RSHD on CVC A
Sua Voz, Miami via Chile, as now scheduled at 0200 UT Sundays, and I had
already heard its original airing Friday 1532 on webcast, when also on 15410.
It`s surprising how much `bad` DX audio he plays on this show, presumably
driving away non-DXer listeners to the station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** SPAIN. A long time since I checked the CRI relay in Chinese via Spain on
9690, but Nov 19 at 0232 I found it still overmodulated and distorted (Glenn

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