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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 21-22

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 13750, not blocked by Cuba this Sunday, Oct 21 at 1313
with bio of Mother Teresa, an Albanian, introduced with Ave Maria music. I
didn`t stay with it long enough to hear if they got to the recent revelation
that she was hardly a true-believer in Roman Catholicism, and this may have
dashed her chances for sainthood, or, should I say canonization? (Glenn Hauser,

** CUBA. R. Rebelde, 11655, on late(?) Oct 21 at 1320 with a special for
elexion day in Cuba featuring a quiz, SFX, and a `sorpresa de Rebelde` which
was that at 1322 it cut abruptly to open carrier and then went off. Elexions?
Cuba? Like, ``which Commie would you prefer``? Not ``I`m voting the straight
Counter-Revolutionary ticket``. A bit later on RHC. it seemed that the elexions
concerned were municipal ones in the oriental province of Las Tunas, but this
was being played up as a great event, proof that Cuba enjoys true democracy, in
the form of Socialism Forever, whereby those not performing their duties may be
recalled by People Power. Ah, the Big Lie technique. Does it ever fool anybody?

Axually, the municipal elexions are nationwide, as explained on RHC`s website:
``Comenzó en Cuba elección de delegados municipales del Parlamento --- La
Habana (AIN) La prensa cubana refleja hoy la realización de las elecciones a
delegados en los 169 Asambleas municipales del Poder Popular bajo el lema de ¡A
votar sin amos ni imposiciones!`` 

At 1500-1505 rechecked to find out what Cuba is doing this Sunday. Like last
week, no Esperanto on 11760, just // other RHC frequencies in Spanish, 9550,
11805, 12000, 15370 with more about elexions, apparently on extended schedule.
Featured a report on the event via a ham radio repeater in Villa Clara, yay.

Meanwhile, the separate Aló Presidente service was running on 17750, 13680,
11875 and 11670, but the 25m frequencies were barely audible, now aimed
elsewhere? BTW, the recently discovered RNV at 1500 on 11680 was missing again,
at least on this Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Later we heard
that HCF didn`t do a show this week because he had a cold; but the SW
transmission still ran (gh, DXLD)

** JAPAN [non]. NHK Warido, 11705 via Canada, Oct 21 at 1403, seems they have a
different newsreader every day I listen. This time I suspected they had
employed a `Perfect Pauline` computer-generated voice, judging from its strange
intonation, but then I heard background noises such as swallowing, breathing
and paper-shuffling, and even stumbled once, so I guess not. She was just
trying real hard to sound like a computer; maybe that`s how she learned her

[non non]. Another Don`t You Believe: that NHK Warido is no longer broadcasting
to NAm in Japanese on 9535 --- Oct 22 at 1512 there it was with usual fair to
good signal. Before and after the October 1 changes it`s 55 degrees, 300 kW
from Yamata. All they did was remove CIRAF zones 2, 6, and 7 from the stated
target areas --- 48 USA west of 90 degrees, western Canada; retaining 10 and 11
--- Mexico, CAm, and even Caribbean, at 1500-1700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** LIBYA. TDF GUF DRM, 17870-17875-17880, was missing this Monday Oct 22 around
1330 check; another air-conditioner breakdown? So something analogous was
audible on 17870, presumably Libya, but rechecked after 1400, no signal audible
when English is scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA Riyadh, 15435, Oct 22 at 1505 with muezzin, in Call of
Islam service within First Program, good here but fluttery, 320 degree beam
toward NAm, // much weaker 15225. These two are expected to continue in B-07

** SPAIN. Must add another transmitter site with problems: Noblejas. REE, 6055
is normally very well heard and very well modulated, unlike the Costa Rica
relay, but Oct 21 at 0530 I found the 6055 audio cutting off for several
seconds at a time, more than it was cutting on, while 5965 CR was not doing so

** TURKEY. VOT, 15450, Oct 22 at 1321, just intuned in time for sign-off and
IS, but the audio was somewhat distorted, which would have made it unpleasant
to try to listen to, had I tried earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. On Oct 22 I decided to monitor just how well IBB handles the
transition from 11720 to 11675 at 2100. 11720 is VOA Hausa from Greenville,
which stopped at 2059:30, but the carrier stayed on and just before 2100 the
audio feed on 11720 had switched to BBCWS in English! We got the time signal,
and a few words of opening for World Briefing before the carrier went off. This
confirms it`s the same transmitter scheduled from 2100 on 11675 for BBCWS.

But still nothing on 11675 until carrier on at 2100:45. OK, OK, we had to wait
another full minute until the BBCWS audio finally came up, joining the news in
progress. Call it 2102. Highly unprofessional. It may be impossible to make the
switch in the time allotted, but here is how you should do it:

As soon as Hausa is over (or maybe a bit earlier, if the BBCWS contract
matters), fade down audio and turn off 11720 transmitter immediately. THEN,
start retuning process to 11675. THEN, switch audio feed on the circuit to the
transmitter to BBCWS. Once retuning is completed and carrier is on, THEN
immediately bring up BBCWS audio. With any luck only the first minute billboard
would be missed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 17920, big noisy blob at 1459 Oct 22, presumably spur as
heard several times previously from KVOH 17775, but could not correlate it this
time. 17775 was quite strong with La Voz de la Restauración ID at 1501,
mentioning 17775 but not 17920. The spur was constant and unmatchable to
modulation on 17775. There was also a het on the low-side mirror, 17630 with
Gabon, which itself had quite a good signal, but I could not separate a carrier
with BFO. At 1509, however, the 17920 signal had gone, and 17630 exhibited that
``generator whine`` noise instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. See CUBA

UNIDENTIFIED. 15645, again hearing oscillating tones jamming something very
weak, Oct 22 at 1506; also hampered here by local high electrical noise level.
Need listeners in Afroeurasia to monitor closely and determine just what is
being jammed.

Seems a TDP client would be a good possibility, so I look at their current
schedule at http://www.airtime.be/schedule.html

and find this not far away:
Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity 1500-1600 15660 AM mtwtfss Amharic Afr
and which per HFCC is Armavir site, so could that have moved down? Is it being
heard on 15660 any more? 

TDP also linx to http://tensae.net/pdf/frequency.pdf
Which claims they are on 15560 in A-07! But that`s occupied by Lisboa (Glenn

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