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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending Nov 10

PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 3335, R.East Sepik, 1147-1215, Nov
9, Tok Pisin/English. YL w/ news at t/in, ments.
Lorangau. NBC relay at ToH w/ EG news re Pakistan and
U.N. Back to YL at 1203 and OM b/w choral music bits.
Animal/bird-like call at 1206 into presumed radio
drama thru t/out. Remarkable signal at t/in,
eventually fading out by 1215. Quick checks for other
90m PNG's revealed a few carriers but nothing like
this one. (Barbour-NH)

KOREA(DPR), 4450, KCBS-Pyongyang, 1127-1140, Nov 10,
Korean. Announcer at t/in, ballads from 1135 thru
t/out. Poor/weak under QRN. (Barbour-NH)

CHINA-TIBET, 4820, Xizang PBS-Lhasa, 1052-1105, Nov
10, Mandarin. Various announcers and musical bits.
Pips/presumed ID at 1100 followed by OM until music at
1105. Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH)

PERU, 5014.5, presumed R.Altura, 1052-1103, Nov 9,
Spanish. Music at tin, OM from 1055 until presumed ID
announcement at ToH, right back to music. Poor,
rapidly deteriorating. (Barbour-NH)

PERU, 5039.3 presumed R.Libertad, 1023-1036, Nov 8,
Spanish. OM w/ talk b/w musical selections. Poor under
QRN. (Barbour-NH)

CHINA, 5050, Guangxi BCS-Nanning, 1104-1121, Nov 8,
listed Vietnamese. OM and YL w/ talk, presumed ID at
1115 followed by OM thru t/out. Weak but improving. //
9820-fair. (Barbour-NH)

THAILAND, 6040, R.Thailand, *1130-1142, Nov 8,
English/listed Laotian (sp-?), IS/EG ID announcement.
OM in language thru t/out. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

GERMANY, 6105, TWR via Wertachtal, 0838-0850*, Nov 5,
English. "Through the Bible" prg. w/ religous talk and
contact info. TWR info and IS at s/off. Fair.

MONACO,  7210, TWR, 0928-0945, Nov 6, listed
Hungarian. IS at t/in. OM  w/ ID, religous talks.
Weak, faded out by 0945. (Barbour-NH)

MONGOLIA, 7260, presumed Mongolian Radio, 1203-1230,
Nov 6, Vernacular. News/soundbites at t/in. Exotic
ballads from 1211 until OM at 1228. Wiped out by USB
chatter at 1230. Weak/fading. (Barbour-NH)

THAILAND, 9810, R.Thailand, 1246-1300*, Nov 6,
English. Thailand promo at t/in. Local TC/ID at 1250
followed by news re U.N and N.Korea. ID at 1259,
another Thailand promo until cut-off at 1300. Fair.

Scott R. Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA

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