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[HCDX] BBC Monitoring confirms jamming to Ethiopia

 BBC Monitoring confirms jamming to Ethiopia  	  
Tuesday, 20 November 2007

BBC Monitoring (BBCM) can confirm that two major Western broadcasters 
are suffering consistent jamming of their transmissions to Ethiopia. Jamming 
is deliberate interference aimed at preventing the target broadcast from 
being heard. The standard technique is to transmit an irritating noise or 
continuous music on the same channel as the target.

In the latest media development to hit the Horn of Africa, the scene of 
numerous "radio wars" over the past quarter-century, shortwave broadcasts 
from Washington-based Voice of America (VOA) and Germany´s Deutsche 
Welle (DW) are now being jammed.

In both cases, the target of the jamming is radio programmes in Amharic, 
the lingua franca and main official language of Ethiopia. VOA is also 
suffering jamming of another of its regional language services. The 
deliberate interference appears to have started in the first half of this month, 
possibly on or around 12 November.

VOA and Cologne-based DW are funded by the US and German 
governments to broadcast radio and TV programmes to foreign audiences. 
The moves against the VOA and DW follow intensification by Ethiopia of its 
jamming of broadcasts from neighbouring Eritrea. The jamming of Eritrean 
state radio, the latest episode of which began in summer 2007, was stepped 
up in late September and early October, BBCM observed at the time.

Details of the jammed broadcasts

The VOA´s daily one-hour (1800-1900 gmt) service in Amharic is now being 
jammed. According to the opposition website Ethiopian Review - 
www.ethiopianreview.com - the jamming of VOA began on 12 November. 
BBCM observations have confirmed the presence of jamming signals on at 
least three of the five frequencies used by the VOA. The direction whence 
the jamming originates (established by the use of directional aerials) is 
consistent with the signals being transmitted from within Ethiopia.

VOA currently uses 9320, 9860, 11675, 11905 and 13870 kHz for its 
Amharic service. The service is not streamed on the Internet, but audio of 
recent broadcasts is available at www.voanews.com/horn.

On 19 November, VOA´s service in another major Ethiopian language, 
Oromo, was also observed to be jammed. VOA´s Oromo service broadcasts 
at 1730-1800 gmt, immediately before the Amharic transmission and on the 
same frequencies.

DW´s daily one-hour (1400-1500 gmt) service in Amharic is also being 
jammed. Noise interference has been observed on two of DW´s shortwave 
frequencies (11645 and 15640 kHz). DW recently added a third frequency 
(15660 kHz). At the start of its Amharic programme on 19 November it 
announced that this had been done in response to the jamming. The lead 
item in the news bulletin that followed was that the Ethiopian government 
had conducted air raids on villages in the Ogaden region in the southeast of 
the country. DW maintains a multimedia website for its Amharic service at 

Opposition broadcasts

Ethiopia has also jammed various private opposition radio broadcasts. The 
country has been targeted for many years by such operators, which hire 
airtime (generally an hour a day or on certain days of the week) from 
commercial shortwave transmission facilities, including those based in 
Germany and the former Soviet Union. The number and identity of such 
broadcasts, and their schedules, often varies, depending on the availability 
of funds to hire shortwave airtime. Eritrea is also targeted by private 
opposition shortwave stations.
(Source: BBC Monitoring research 16-19 Nov 07/R Netherlands media 
Network Weblog)

              Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
    email:  greekdx_@xxxxxxxxxx  web: www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima:  ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102-3,Tecsun PL200 , 
                    Chibo C300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
       Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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