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[HCDX] Australia passes Digital Radio Bill

 Australia passes Digital Radio Bill
The Australian parliament today passed legislation allowing for digital 
radio to be rolled out in the state capitals by 1 January 2009.

The move has been welcomed by industry body, Commercial Radio 
Australia, which represents 98 percent of commercial radio stations.

"Digital radio ushers in a new era for radio and for the 95 percent of 
Australians who listen to radio every week," said Joan Warner, Chief 
Executive Officer of CRA.

"The passing of the legislation means consumers will get vastly 
superior radio services sooner rather than later and it gives industry the 
certainty it needs to move ahead on the massive investment in 
broadcasting infrastructure that will be required."

She said while the legislation covered the licensing, planning and 
regulation for digital radio initially in the six cities of Sydney, Melbourne, 
Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart, regional and rural Australia 
would not miss out

"There are around 220 commercial radio stations who play a very 
important role in the lives of listeners in regional and rural Australia, and 
it"s important that they share in the benefits that digital technology will 
bring," she said.

Ms Warner said the act reflected the industry's key policy requests and 
the vital role commercial broadcasters would play in the roll out and 
success of digital radio.

Thursday 10 May 2007

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