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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 31-April 1
** ALBANIA [and non]. Monitoring for R. Tirana`s new 9390, Albanian to NAm at
2300-2430, March 31: Israel appears to be gone from 9390, but WWRB with Brother
Scare, supposed to close at 2300, stayed on 9385 until abrupt closedown at
2352. Tirana music could barely be detected aside the much stronger Tennessee
signal at 2305, // better 7425.
Finally no WWRB problem, but rechecked at 0033 when the first evening English
broadcast from Tirana is supposed to be on 9390 only, all I heard was pop music
for a few minutes, and again at 0044, still going at 0046, no announcements
heard. Ditto during the second transmission at 0155 check.
I understand that March 31 from 1930 the R. Tirana program feed to Shijak
transmitter site was lost, so instead they relayed a domestic service,
apparently still the case. I have notified WWRB that they are interfering with
Tirana by staying on 9385 past 2300. WWRB came up on 5050 a few minutes later
and signed on at 2358, maybe the same transmitter, which earlier in March I had
heard as early as 2259 on 5050, even tho that was not supposed to open until
0000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. Noticed HCJB news in Spanish on 12000 at 2316 March 31 had
some co-channel interference underneath, also in Spanish. Who else uses 12000?
RHC, of course, but not supposed to during HCJB hours. Yes, 12000 QRM was //
9820, the Mesa Redonda service separate from mainstream RHC, also // 6000.
There was a reverb between 9820 and 6000, different feed routes and/or
transmitter sites, but hard to tell about 12000 under HCJB. One might think
12000 could be an unintentional harmonic of 6000, but since RHC deliberately
uses fundamental 12000 at other times, I fear this is no accident, but one of
their cancerous growths. The B-07 sked on RHC website (no A-08 yet, of course)
shows 12000 only at 1100-1500, while HCJB is on 12000 at 2100-0100 (Glenn
** RUSSIA [and non]. VOR belatedly posted their A-08 English schedule March 31,
including to NAm, with August 1 changes removed here:
13775, 9665, 7250 0100-0200
13775, 13635, 9860, 9665, 9480 0200-0300
13775, 13635, 12065, 9860, 9800, 9665, 9480, 9435 0300-0400
13775, 13635, 9860, 9800, 9665, 9435 0400-0500
So far I only made a quick check around 0226 UT April 1, and found: 13775
inaudible, 13635 fair but in Russian! 9860 fair, 9480 second best, 9665 audible
but worst.
Azimuths and sites are:
13775 50 Vladivostok
13635 65 Petro-Kam
12065 35 Komsomol`sk/Amure
9860 295 Vatican
9800 315 ``Armavir``
9665 295 Moldova/Pridnestrovye
9480 300 Wertachtal
9435 65 Petro-Kam
7250 305 Armenia
So if we want to hear VOR in English to NAm after 0200, we`d better hope bands
above 7 MHz are open. VOR has moved the Wertachtal relay from excellent 6155 to
9480, which we can only hope will improve as summer comes on (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** THAILAND. Earlier I noticed that there was RTTY on 12120; would it interfere
with R. Thailand`s new frequency to ENAm at 0030-0200? Yes, Brian Alexander in
Pennsylvania had alreldy reported that independently UT March 31. I did not get
around to checking until 0155 UT April 1, when there was no signal audible from
Thailand or RTTY either, but instead CODAR.
Meanwhile a weak and fluttery signal on 12095, no CODAR there, which would be
DW Sri Lanka in German, and after 0200 in Urdu, the reason Thailand had to
move; but assuming the RTTY is around NAm, DW should have been the one on
12120, leaving Thailand alone. Maybe they could still swap. Thailand`s WNAm
service still on 15275 but inaudible at 0225 check April 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK,
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