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[HCDX] recent logs
7245, Mauritania, R. Mauritanie(pres.), Nouakchott; 06-Apr. Arabic 0901 Arabic music, OM talks, 0905-0913 short Arabic music returning OM anmts, canned anmts by OM and YL, OM talks. Weak but clear, signal declining after 0908, 23432 (LOB-B).
5330, UNID. 06-Apr. heard from 0925 to 0947 presumed Chinese music (percussion solo session apart of well elaborated instrumental and melodic session, beautiful contrast in the same music; next violin followed by percussion) none talks. Strong 55434 (LOB-B).
7145, New Zealand, R.New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki; 06-Apr. English 0950 Announcer interviewing a researcher of University in Auckland, 1000 time pips, news by OM and YL with audio outside. 44434 (LOB-B).
Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m
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