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[HCDX] Africa & USA Logs
**DJIBOUTI. 4780, Radio Djibouti, *0300-0350, April 14, sign on
with National Anthem followed by opening announcements. Koran
at 0303 followed by Arabic talk. Horn of Africa music at 0346. Good.
Weak co-channel QRM from Guatemala’s Radio Coatan heard under
Djibouti until Coatan 0303 sign off. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Radio Africa, 1900-2230+, April 13,
threshold signal at 1900 tune-in but slowly improved to a good signal
strength by 2000. US produced English religious programming including
"Your Radio Pastor" & Christian Compassion". Some programs quite
distorted. A possible very weak, barely audible, WYFR heard under
Radio Africa after 2200. Bata-5005 heard on this same day at 2200-
2230+. Radio Africa not heard at 2300 check. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**ERITREA. 7175.14v, VOBME?, program 2, *0400-0425, April 14,
abruptly on at 0400 with talk in unidentified language. Horn of Africa
music at 0404. Tentative. Usually on with IS but none tonight & not
usually off frequency. Maybe this is a jammer. Drifted down to 7175.10
by 0425. Program 1 not heard. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**ETHIOPIA. 6170, Voice of Tigray Revolution, *0256-0355, April 14,
noted signing on 1 hour earlier than usual with IS. Opening Amharic
announcements at 0259 followed by Horn of Africa music. Fair.
// 5950-good level but mixing with a strong Radio Taiwan International
via Okeechobee, Florida. Just heard on April 7 signing on at their
usual 0355 time on 5980, 6170. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**NORTH AMERICA. Pirate, 6700.14, The Crystal Ship, 0110-0120,
April 14, novelty music. ID. // 5385.39 - both frequencies fair. (Brian
Alexander, PA)
**U.S.A. 4910, WWCR Spur, 0010-0020, April 14, surprisingly strong
spur. Two different WWCR programs from 5070 and 9980 mixing
together on 4910. [9980 - 5070 = 4910]. (Brian Alexander, PA)
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