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[HCDX] Bata & Ethiopia Logs
**EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nacional-Bata, 2245-2258*,
April 15, African choral music. Sign off with National Anthem at 2256.
Poor to fair in noisy conditions. Also heard next day, April 16, at 2257
sign off with National Anthem. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Radio Africa, 2215-2250*, April 16,
English religious programming. Closing ID announcements & e-mail
address at 2249 & off. Fair to good audio at this time but heard earlier
with poor, distorted programming. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**ETHIOPIA. 7110, Radio Ethiopia, 2045-2100*, April 16, Horn of
African music. Closing announcements in Amharic & sign off with
National Anthem at 2059. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)
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