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Re: [HCDX] Dxers Unlimited´s weekend edition for 19-20 April 2008

Dxers Unlimited
Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition for 19-20 April 2008

By Arnie Coro
radio amateur CO2KK

Hi amigos radioaficionados ... welcome to the weekend edition of your favorite listener oriented radio hobby program... I am Arnie Coro, radio amateur CO2KK your host here in Havana, and as always its my pleasure to share with you about seventeen minutes of on the air and on the web showtime ... YES, you can listen to our live audio stream from www.rhc.cu <http://www.rhc.cu/> ! again, our URL is www.rhc.cu <http://www.rhc.cu/>, in English from 05 to 07 UTC. and now here is item one for today: May is just around the corner, and according to solar scientists we are going to see a significant increase in Sporadic E layer events during next month, also during June..Item two: 11760 khz making it nicely to the Toronto , Canada area during the local afternoon hours according to several very nice reports sent by listeners in that part of Canada that are members of the Ontario DX Association . The e- mail messages tell me that the 11760 kiloHertz transmitter has nice audio and that the signal level is quite good there during the whole afternoon Havana local time transmission. By the way , we are testing 11760 kiloHertz with another antenna from 0500 to 0700 UTC with our regular English language broadcast, in parallel with 6060 and 9550 kiloHertz... Item three: Especially shielded, and of course much more expensive computers , designed so that they will produce minimum radio frequency interference , cost a lot of money, but they are required by many professional users. For example, sophisticated command, control and communications centers, like the Air Traffic Control systems, that are so dependent nowadays on the use of computers, have found out that standard run of the mill personal computers, the popular PCs are not suited for the job, as they may interfere, sometimes at the most critical moments, with the radios used to handle emergency traffic... More about shielded computers, and how you can learn from what it's done to reduce the radio frequency energy leaking from the machines , later in today's edition of Dxers Unlmited : Item four, our popular ASK ARNIE section of Dxers Unlimited will be answering today a question sent in by a listener in Georgia, USA... Al, who is a high school science teacher, wants to know what's the best frequency or frequencies to pick up planet JUPITER radio signals, as he wants to show to his students how JUPITER sounds can be heard on the radio... I will also answer another question from a listener in northern Mexico, Gabriel , wants to know about the real possibilities of producing an artificial ionosphere...And at always at the end of the program, have your notepad and or tape recorder at hand for picking up Arnie Coro's Dxers Unlimited's HF plus low band VHF propagation update and forecast... , stay tuned as the program continues in just a few seconds...


inforhc@xxxxxxx <mailto:inforhc@xxxxxxx> again, let me repeat it slowly, that's my new direct e-mail address, inforch, the one I check many times each day in order to keep in touch with Dxers Unlimited's worldwide audience... YES, its certainly nice to receive so many e-mail messages from all around the world telling me both what you like and what you don't like about the show amigos !.... And now here is item three: totally shielded computers and monitors... yes, they do exist and they do cost a lot of money... they actually cost ten to twenty times as much as standard consumer´s equipment. Yes,totally shielded machines , with special interfacing interconnecting cables, power supplies that have a lot of radio frequency suppresion devices inside and monitors that are built into steel cases instead of plastic, are mandatory at many specialized applications. Command, control and communications centers are the number one clients for those especially built machines... as I said they do cost a lot of money, because among other things they are not mass produced... BUT, we can learn from those especially shielded computers... for example, I found out that now practically all of those special machines come with solid state displays, flat panel screens that operate using low voltages and don't require the dreadful sawtooth high voltage waveforms that generate such terrible radio noise. But even those flat screen monitors are not like the ones that are used regularly , because they are packed into steel cases, and the power supplies are also of a very special noise suppressing design… I also learned more about several of those specially built machines and found out that the keyboards, yes the keyboards are especially built, and instead of a plastic case, again ,they are embedded into a steel casing... And last but not least, the cables connecting the machine to the power line go first trough special radio frequency filters, that are also used to prevent radio frequency leaking from the keyboard connecting cable... Infra-red light is used for the mouse, and the motherboards are selected so that they don't have oscillators that operate on certain specific frequencies.

Si amigos, you want a computer right next to your radios... among other things to keep a nice log with a logbook software program of your choice, and also to enjoy the myriad of digital communications modes, without forgetting about the wonderful propagation predictions that can be made in just a couple of minutes with a computer... BUT at the same time , you don't want that machine to generate S9 PLUS noise all over the spectrum, or as it often happens right on the frequency of your favorite net or short wave broadcast station…and that's why we can all benefit from the noise reduction technology for computers developed for those specialized applications... At CO2KK my amateur radio station, I achieved a rather significant reduction in noise level, by just installing four ferrite split core chokes... two for the keyboard to desktop computer cable, one for the mouse and another one for the monitor's video cable... By the way , the monitor video cable already had on ferrite toroid choke built in,but adding the second one reduced the noise level , so I just kept it right at the connector that sends the video from the desktop machine to the monitor... Older machines, the ones that are now going into retirement , are ideal for radio hobby applications... even rather slow by today standards computers will provide valuable service at your amateur radio station or short wave listening post !!! By adding just a few easy to install radio frequency noise suppresion devices, you can certainly improve the compatibility between your computer and your radios amigos !!!


This is Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition coming to you on the air and on the web... you can also read our scripts by subscribing to one of the several e-mail distribution lists that regularly carry our show´s scripts twice weekly... Now amigos here is our popular ASK ARNIE,the section of Dxers Unlimited that answers your radio hobby related question NO MATTER WHAT DIFFICULT THEY MAY BE... Yes , this is Arnie's no matter what difficult question you make gets answered here as part of the program, and remember that there are more than 83 ways you and I can enjoy this wonderful hobby: RADIO... Question one for today, came from nearby Florida, listener Al wants to know the best band or specific frequencies to pick up Planet Jupiter's radio signals.... Well amigo JOVIAN RADIO ASTRONOMY, as it is known among scientists, is made possible by the super high energy radio transmissions originating from Planet Jupiter... they are natural radio signals, and they can best be picked up with simple equipment from about 18 to 40 megaHertz, with a very nice area listening area in the 20 to 22 megaHertz region of the short wave spectrum. JOVIAN RADIO ASTRONOMY is practiced on a regular basis by a small group of enthusiasts, that even build their own receivers and antennas for picking up those signals, that when heard trough earphones of loudspeakers sound to me like waves washing ashore at the beach.. An simple antenna array of two phased dipoles, or a two to four element Yagi antenna is enough to pick up Jupiter´s signals loud and clear , and if you use sophisticated digital signal processing software and a computer sound card, your observations can make significant contributions to radio astronomy Do remember that the world's first full time radio astronomer was a radio amateur, an American by the name of Grote Reber, who designed and built the first parabolic radio telescope !!! So amigo Al, do a nice INTERNET Search Engines sweep and learn more about JOVIAN RADIO ASTRONOMY , one of the more than 83 ways to enjoy playing with your radios !!! Now today's number two question.. Miguel from Baja California, where he listens every day to RHC on 11760 Kilohertz, send this question to ASK ARNIE... Miguel wants to know if an artificial ionosphere can be produced.... Well amigo Miguel, there are two ways to do it,and both seem to me quite aggressive to mother Nature... One is the horrendous ionospheric heaters using high power radio transmitters coupled to high gain vertical incidence antennas in order to heat up the ionosphere and generate more free electrons... Experiments have shown that it is technically possible to heat the ionosphere to such an extent so as to produce a localized area where free electron concentration will reach very high levels... Concerned scientists have warned against such experiments, as no one really knows the possible consequences of the artificial heating of the ionosphere to enhance its radio refractive properties... The other , also very aggressive to the environment technology, is launching into the ionosphere certain chemicals or even millions of very small copper needles in order to increase the maximum useable frequency reached at a certain location... Chemicals interact with the rarified gases above the Earth, and again, no one really knows what possible consequences this may have... So amigo Miguel, the answer is YES, it has been done, the ionospheric heating experiments and the launching of chemical into the ionosphere using rockets are the two ways that I know by means an artificial ionosphere of sorts can be produced, and as I said, both ways are terrible to the environment to say the least !!!


And now amigos, as always at the end of the show, here is Arnie Coro's HF plus low band VHF propagation forecast..... Solar flux hovering around 70 units, and as a matter of fact rather stable ... Propagation conditions are now becoming more and more like the typical summer, and the trend should continue as we approach summer solstice next June. Late night local time reception in the region of the spectrum between 7 and 10 megaHertz should bring in some interesting DX...See you all next Tuesday and Wednesday UTC days at the mid week edition of your favorite radio hobby program, Dxers Unlimited with Arnie Coro

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