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Re: [HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, April 21-22. Correction & extra log.
- To: Cumbre DX <cumbredx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, DXLD <dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, DXplorer <Dxplorer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, HCDX <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Gayle Van Horn <gaylemt@xxxxxxxxxx>, NASWAyg <NASWA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Al Quaglieri <listenersnotebook@xxxxxxxxx>, shortwaveworld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Mark Taylor <markokpik@xxxxxxx>, Dave Valko <djvalko@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, April 21-22. Correction & extra log.
- From: "Scott R. Barbour Jr." <srbjrswl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:06:45 -0700 (PDT)
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R, San Miguel should read 4699.3. Tnx GH for noticing the typo.
Here's an extra log that got lost in the shuffle early this AM.
15400, AUSTRALIA, presumed HCJB, 1306-1325, Apr 21, Mandarin. M & W ancr w/ talk until music at 1520; deteriorating signal; unusable by t/out; poor. First HCJB-Oz log here in years since solar cycle 23 petered out. (Barbour-NH)
--- On Wed, 4/23/08, Scott R. Barbour Jr. <srbjrswl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
4669.3, BOLIVIA, R. San Miguel, 0225-0231*, Apr 22, Spanish. Ancr w/ mx & listener call-ins; off at 0231 w/ no discernible ID or ancment, poor-fair. (Barbour-NH)
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