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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 28, 2008
** ECUADOR. DRM on 15355-15360-15365, April 28 at 2205 check. No doubt HCJB`s retimed and refrequencied German to Europe, supposed to run from 2000 to 2200 only, on its first day, but they are not at all careful to turn this off as scheduled, unlike their analog broadcasts which cut as soon as the timesignal finishes. DRM DX schedule shows language is ``various`` implying not just German; maybe accounting for a Low German portion?
HCJB has done a pretty good job lately of picking DRM frequencies without adjacent channel collisions, even if they are annoyances right smack dab in the middle of an analog SWBC band. Tuning around 49m a couple minutes later, I first thought there was a new DRM on 6130-6135-6140 until I realized it was DentroCuban jamming against R. República (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO [and non]. I kept meaning to check, and forgetting to do so, whether Vatican Radio`s unscheduled 3-minute English broadcast is still a problem over here at 2311 on 9600.0, preceding the scheduled Vietnamese broadcast direct and eastward from SMG.
Following Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla tip that XEYU had reactivated April 28, I did check at 2339 April 28, and sure `nuff, the old ~700 Hz het is back, and the Vietnavatican signal is stronger than XEYU, 9599.3. Only hope is using LSB and tightest possible selectivity while Vatican is on, and then there`s Cuba on 9600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. Qur`an on 11820, April 28 at 2120, can give one the willies. This is BSKSA Riyadh, 500 kW at 320 degrees to Europe, but also toward us, scheduled 18-23. This is one of their buzzless transmitters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. REE, Lenguas Co-Oficiales, continues to be hurting, Monday April 28 at 1253 check the 5-minute Basque segment was again in Castilian, but news and weather about Basque country; 1255 REE promos e.g. for http://www.cervantes.es and then rock song in Spanish, not Catalan; via Costa Rica 15170 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [non]. 15325, alternating 2-pitch tune-up tones every 6 seconds, so obviously via SENTECH Meyerton something was coming, Monday April 28 at 1258; already at 1259 YL slowly and clearly opening Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction in English, then lessons. Per EiBi this is M/W/F only at 1300-1330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAIWAN [non]. I almost concluded RTI English to Europe, 44 degrees via WYFR, 15600, was absent, April 28 at 2209 check, but listening closely a signal was JBA on 15600, so assume poor propagation. Okeechobee on 15440 at same time was audible, but NVG contrary to usual strong signal at 285 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Solar-terrestrial indices for 28 April follow. Solar flux 69 and estimated mid-latitude A-Index 12. The mid-latitude K-index at 2100 UTC on 28 April was 3 (24 nT). No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours. No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours (SWPC via DXLD)
** U K [non]. BBC Mundo Radio, via WHRI 9410, Monday April 28 at 1234 with ``Los Clásicos`` fill music, would it be another repeat? No, something different this time, but as always, unannounced. Gershwinesque piano and orchestra music, could have been a suite from a film score, until 1248 when seguéd to another unannounced piece. Ended at 1300 but this time open carrier until 1301* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WHRI, 11785, April 28 at 2121 check, in hymn, plus audible squeal in modulation, just like heard during Hmong Lao Radio in the 13 UT hour Sunday --- in the morning it`s supposed to be Angel 1, and in the afternoon Angel 2, i.e. two different SC transmitters. Either they both have the same problem, or it was really the same transmitter. Surely the Angels are not interchangeable, each with their own personality and watchover assignments? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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